
Volume2/1979_July2 INTERCOM University President David P. Gardner boarded the patient transport helicopter last week to get a bird's-eye view of campus construction projects. The president met with College of Medicine Dean G. Richard Lee, M.D., Hospital Executive Director John Reinertsen and Vi...

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Main Author: Volume2/1979_January29
Published: University of Utah Health Care Office of Public Affairs and Marketing 1979
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Summary:Volume2/1979_July2 INTERCOM University President David P. Gardner boarded the patient transport helicopter last week to get a bird's-eye view of campus construction projects. The president met with College of Medicine Dean G. Richard Lee, M.D., Hospital Executive Director John Reinertsen and Vice President for Health Sciences Dr. Chase Peterson to discuss Medical Center expansion including a new hospital, research tower, artificial organs facility and parking structure. Left to right: Dr. Peterson, Mr. Reinertsen, President Gardner, Dr. Lee. UNIVERSITY OF UTAH MEDICAL CENTER July 2, 1979 IL Officials Take Flight New Year Begins For Auxiliary Volunteer Auxiliary members reviewed the past year's achievements and elected new officers recently at their annual awards and recognition luncheon at the Salt Lake Country Club. The 1979-80 auxiliary board of directors includes: Betty Bernick, president; Rea Barrus, president-elect; Pat Christensen, first vice president; Jeanne Rainey, second vice president; Helen Greenland, recording secretary; Lil Donaldson, corresponding secretary; Jane Brown, treasurer; and Jan Bernson, assistant treasurer. Volunteers recognized for outstanding service included Frances Stephens, Hope Bettilyon, Mary Cockayne and Herbert Russell, who have donated (continued on reverse side) New Volunteer Auxiliary President Betty Bernick (r) discusses auxiliary's plans for hospital chapel with Administrator Jerry Smith and President Elect Rea Barrus. CENIEQ mmx AUXILIANS . . . continued 5,000-7,000 hours to volunteer service at University Hospital. Helen Harwood headed the list of active senior auxilians, with 10,400 hours. Jane Brown, past president, presented the auxiliary's annual report for 1978- 79 - its first year as a corporation. Ms. Brown reported "a very profitable fund-raising year," highlight of which was the early completion of a $100,000 pledge to the medical center expansion fund. Major fund- raisers were the hospital gift shop ($50,000), annual golf tournament ($6,000), crafts bazaar ($1,100) and hallway art sale ($896). The Auxiliary this year supported the Intermountain Burn and Poison Control centers, medical and pharmacy scholarships, nursing education, pediatric and adult patient recreation and medical equipment needs in addition to hospital expansion. The first fund- raising activity for 1979- 80 will be the fifth annual golf tournament, scheduled for September 13 at Mountain Dell Golf Course. New Staff New nursing staff: Darlene Bishop, NA, rehabilitation ( Utah); Gene Ann Carlino, GN ( graduate nurse), NBICU ( Idaho); Jean Chang, GN, 3 East ( Utah); Michelle Dirstins, NA, rehabilitation ( Utah); Suzanne Fowle, RN, rehabilitation ( Utah); Leonard W. Henderson, OR techni-cian, OR ( Utah); Young- Soon Kwan, RN, OR ( South Korea); Dennis Lee, orderly, 3 East ( Utah); Donna M. Martin, RN, 3 East ICU ( New York; Doug McCready, GN, NBICU ( Idaho); Pat Ogura, NA, 2 East ( Utah); Lynn Ohlsen, NA, 5 West ( Utah); Michelle Parkins, GN, burn unit ( Utah); Lee Peterson, OR technician, OR ( Utah); Vicki Pratt, ward clerk, 2 East ( Utah); Donita Rasmussen, unit clerk, burn unit ( Utah); Catherine Shaughnessy, GN, 5 East ( Illinois); Lisa Sommerfeld, GN, 4 West ( Pennsylvania); Judy Somshor, RN, 2 East ( Alberta, Canada); Rhea Sweat, unit clerk, 3 West ( Utah); Heidi Telpner Wolk, NA, rehabilitation ( Iowa). The LPN students from Utah Technical College would like to express their appreciation to the 3 East and 3 West nursing staff for a warm reception and a valuable contribution to their clinical training experience. - June Jenkins, instructor Goings on • Faculty and staff are invited to meet and talk with Republican Congress-man Dan Marriott Monday July 2 from 12- 1 p. m. in Classroom A. • Sure it's 90 degrees outside, but can you picture Santa Claus in shorts? July is Christmas month on the pediatric unit, and St. Nick needs a suitable wardrobe to visit the children on 2 East. So if you know where Santa keeps his suit, how about lending it to pediatric play coordinator Don Attridge? He's at extension 2356. 2 East also needs craft items and playthings such as yarn, scissors, poster paints, glue, crayons, magic markers, cookie cutters, puppets and costumes. • The hospital personnel office is now open 6 a. m.- 6 p. m. The change in hours allows the personnel department to meet the needs of employees on all shifts, as well as make it easier for new applicants who hold jobs to come in for interviews. • The annual hospital staff picnic is scheduled for Thursday, July 12 at Big Cottonwood Park. Flyers and reservation slips will be sent to each employee, and you are urged to return the forms early ( by July 2) to make sure you can be issued the proper number of tickets for you and your family. Tickets will be distributed by your department. Volunteers New Medical Center volunteers: Lawrence Grandy, Sue Ann Lynch and Pascal Briot, emergency room. Team Effort For Twins What medical center employee has not felt some part of the hope, anxiety and pride that have filled the hospital in the wake of Lisa and Elisa Hansen's successful separation? The hospital has been the object of worldwide attention. Although the number of personne"^ directly and indirectly involved in ^^ the twins' case has not been calculated, it's obvious that the team effort involved more than the 20 or so who worked in the operating room those 16/ 2 hours. " Without the help of specially trained nurses, technicians, laboratory and diagnostic personnel, even the simplest operation would not be possible," says Hospital Administrator Jerry Smith. " Everyone involved in this achievement is greatly appreciated for his efforts, many of which extended ' beyond the call of duty.' " Intercom University of Utah Medical Center Intercom is published weekly by the Department of Development and Com-munity Relations, University of Utah Medical Center, AC111, for the pur-pose of interdepartmental communi-cations. Photographs by Medical Illus-trations. Article ideas, letters to the editor, and questions for investigation are welcome at any time. Editor: Laurie Morrissey