Summary:U mnogim kulturama majke u pravilu snose veći dio odgovornosti za podizanje djece. Sukladno promjenama u društvu, raste svijest o potrebi rušenja stereotipa o spolovima, kao i mijenjanje tradicionalnih uloga majki i očeva. Pojačani interes istraživača o ulozi očeva, rezultirao je brojnim nalazima. Tako je uočeno da očevi mogu biti podjednako responsivni prema potrebama djece, kao i nalazom da su daleko spremniji prihvatiti ulogu primarnog odgajatelja nego kada je majka prisutna. Sve to mijenja tradicionalnu sliku očeva, posebno u jednoroditeljskim obiteljima, što utječe i na porast broja očeva koji se nakon razvoda odlučuju da sami podižu svoju djecu. Upravo ovo posljednje je osnovana namjera rada, kojim se želi istražiti okolnosti u kojima je to i ostvarivo. In many cultures, mothers typically bear most of the responsibility for raising children. In accordance with the changes in society, awareness is growing of the need to break down gender stereotypes, and the change in traditional roles of mothers and fathers. Increased interest in researching the role of fathers, resulted in numerous findings. Thus, it was observed that fathers can be just as responsive to childrens needs, as well as findings that fathers are far more willing to accept the role of primary teachers than when the mother is present. All this changes the traditional image of fathers, especially single-parent families, which affects the increase in the number of fathers who after divorce decide to raise their children alone. This last was te main intention of this paper, which aims to investigate the circumstances in which that is achievable.