Summary:U ovom radu, pod naslovom „Apstraktni tip podataka graf“ je definiran sami graf te su napravljene implementacije u programskim jezicima Python te C++. Preciznije, graf predstavlja vrstu podatkovne strukture putem koje se implementira matematički koncept grafa. Isti se uglavnom sastoji od konačnog (promjenjivog) skupa uređenih parova koji se zovu lukovi (bridovi) i od entiteta koji se zovu čvorovi. Naime, postoje dvije glavne vrste grafa, a to su usmjereni te neusmjereni. Oni se razlikuju po načinu na koji se crtaju, ali i po implementaciji. Osim toga, postoje i dvije vrste pretraživanja grafa, a to su pretraživanje u dubinu i u širinu. Također, opisani su još razni algoritmi te implementirani, a to su Primov, Kruskalov, Dijkstrin, Floyd- Warshall i Bellman- Ford algoritam. In this graduation thesis, the "Abstract data type graph" is defined graph itself and implemented in the programming languages of Python and C++. More precisely, the graph represents the type of data structure by which the mathematical concept of the graph is implemented. The same is mainly composed of the final (variable) set of arranged pairs called the arches (edges) and of the entities called the nodes. Namely, there are two main types of graphs that are directed and undirected. They differ in the way they are drawn but also by their implementation. In addition, there are also two types of graph lookups, which are search depth and breadth. Also various algorithms have been introduced, such as Prim's, Kruskal's, Dijkstra's, Floyd-Warshall and Bellman-Ford algorithm.