Bedload transport in Polar gravel-bed rivers

The thesis deals with the transport of sediments in gravel streams in Polar regions. The study of bedload sediments, the transport and changes in their grain size and shape characteristics has a long history, but only recently have they been studied in proglacial rivers of high latitudes. The assign...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Ondráčková, Lenka
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Univerzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakulta 2022
Online Access:
Summary:The thesis deals with the transport of sediments in gravel streams in Polar regions. The study of bedload sediments, the transport and changes in their grain size and shape characteristics has a long history, but only recently have they been studied in proglacial rivers of high latitudes. The assigned work aims to study and compare the behaviour of braided gravel-bed rivers and to develop appropriate methods of study and data collection in the Polar regions. Three catchments of proglacial braided gravel-bed streams were selected for the research. Two river catchments are located on the Svalbard archipelago in northern Billefjorden and one river catchment is located on James Ross Island in Antarctica. These catchments of gravel-bed streams are located in the forefield of glaciers, which has been studied since 2016 during the research expeditions. The Munin River catchment on Svalbard was selected due to the morphology of the whole river catchment, the presence of active sediment sources and the well-developed river bed. The second catchment of the Keller River on James Ross Island was selected as a suitable example for assessing the impact of connectivity in the catchment area on sediment transport. The third catchment of the Hørbye River on Svalbard is characterized by gravel sediments in front of. Dizertační práce se zabývá transportem sedimentů ve štěrkonosných tocích v polárních oblastech. Studium dnových splavenin, jejich transportu a změn jejich zrnitostních a tvarových charakteristik má dlouhou historii, avšak teprve v poslední době byly studovány v proglaciálních tocích vysokých zeměpisných šířek. Zadaná práce si klade za cíl studovat a porovnat chování divočících štěrkonosných toků a rozvíjet vhodné metody studia a sběru dat v polárních oblastech. Pro výzkum byla vybrána tři povodí proglaciálních divočících toků. Dvě povodí, která se nacházejí na souostroví Svalbard v severní části Billefjordu a jedno povodí, které leží na ostrově Jamese Rosse v Antarktidě. Jedná se o povodí štěrkonosných toků v ...