Summary: | V nasf praci jsme si postupne kladli za ukol vysledovat zdroje v a vlivy uvazovanf v dfle profesora Vaclava Cerneho. Objevili v jsme je jednak v osobnostech, ktere Vaclav Cerny od mladf obdivoval a zustal jimi trvale inspirovan, jednak v myslenkovych proudech, kterymi byl celozivotne ovlivnen. Kombinacf techto dvou vlivu vznikla soustava pojmu, ktere jsou v prftomny ve vetsine odbornych studif Vaclava Cerneho. Jakesi zavrsenf hodnot a pojmu potom nachazfme v Cerneho Pametech, ktere psal ve zralem veku. V druhe casti prace jsme se pokusili spojit tyto motivy jednfm svornfkem, kterym u v Vaclava Cerneho byl pojem kultury. Nasf snahou bylo v interpretovat nektere Cerneho postulaty v casovem vYvoji. V metodologickem uvodu jsme se snazili urcit ruzne druhy prfstupu k interpretovanem textu a ukazali jsme na nektere nesnaze, ktere pri prfstupu k jakemukoliv textu interpretovi hrozf. Sami jsme si urcili jako vychozf hermeneutickou interpretacnf metodu s vedomfm jejf historienosti, relativnosti a kontextua I nosti vlastn fho slovn fku. Co se tyka vlivu inspirativnfch osobnostf na nazory Vaclava v Cerneho, jmenovali jsem Andreho Gida, na kterem svobody a svobodneho zejmena francouzskeho spisovatele v si Cerny osvojoval predevsfm pojetf cinu. Dalsf osobnostf v rade byl francouzsky filozof Henri Bergson. Ten ho. The aim of this dissertation is an attempt to take a portrait of the influence of culture on a personality of a concrete person. Culture is understood here in an anthropological perspective, so that it concerns not only with art but also with an overall situation of man in the world. In this perspective, our paper suggests, man asks questions about the meaning of the world and the human life. The personality our paper focuses on is Vaclav Cerny who was teacher, literary scientist and literary critic, writer and last but not least public-engaged personality. Vaclav Cerny, in our opinion, was the one person who maximalized the influence of culture on the life of an individual, which we hopefully have sufficiently presented in the paper. Our paper is a monography. The paper goes through fundamental milestones of Cerny's life, inspiring personalities and intellectual trends which had a lifelong influence on him. Then it comes to the fundamental terminilogy on which Cerny based his understanding of history of culture and history of man. All this we observed in a chronological dimension and in this context we reflected eventual differences or refinements in Cerny's terminology. We devoted a special attention to Cerny's work with the text both as a writer and as a critic. We consider the monumental work Memoirs a. Institute of Ethnology Ústav etnologie Faculty of Arts Filozofická fakulta