Letter from Julia M[errill] Moores to John Muir, 1880 Mar 10.

[4]a paper for the Law School Commencement wh. comes off in April. He hopes then to be admitted to practice in the United States Courts. Charles is still tugging away at the [illegible]. They are very slow & stupid & he is a good deal tired — but says he has learned more this year than in an...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Moores, Julia Merrill
Format: Text
Published: Scholarly Commons 1880
Online Access:https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/muir-correspondence/522
Summary:[4]a paper for the Law School Commencement wh. comes off in April. He hopes then to be admitted to practice in the United States Courts. Charles is still tugging away at the [illegible]. They are very slow & stupid & he is a good deal tired — but says he has learned more this year than in any two years of his school life, So the time is not wasted. I think [illegible] will love this boy — with the fair earnest face. He is well & strong — a great walker — a good student — a happy Christian boy — pure & simple in his tastes. My dear friend — I am very happy in my children. God has been very good to me. Sisters Kate & Nina have many kind inquiries for you. They are only tolerably well —. Kate hurt her foot in Oct. by springing from a carriage & has been on crutches ever since. She is teaching & loves it — but has to00890 [1]Indianapolis March 10th 1880232 N. Alabama St.My Dear Mr Muir, . I [illegible] not think to have been so long replying to your kind letter of the 4th of Feb. But so it is – what I would — I do not — and what I would not — that do I! So you there could not — I suppose — be anything more intolerable than this life spent in civilization! Lo the poor Indian — whose untutored mind sees God in storms & hears Him in the [wind?], shall I clan you with the Indians? If so — I must not dare call you poor — or show toward you any sympathy. Nor do I — your life is wonderful — the freedom — the inquiring — or the finding out, the glory of [5]resist the President of the College who is narrow minded & mean — jealous of her influence over the students — & cannot at all see that he is ruining the college by the course he is pursuing. Well — let him go — for what he is worth. This will most probably be her last year in the college. Do you remember our pleasant cousins — the Hughs – who were with us at one time – when you were here. They are — a part of them — with us again — and we enjoy them exceedingly. My cousin — Mrs Brier of Oakland has sent me your Alaskan letters. Have you seen her — or Mrs Brier? Do if you care. Janet had a letter this week from Prof. Jordan — who hopes to make your acquaintance soon — has — most probably by this [Page 2][2]rocks — mountains — streams — trees — glaciers — snow & ice. No cramping no laws — I would almost say — perfect health — & such strength as I can scarce imagine — Ah I am the one to be pitied! And I know well enough that I have your sympathy. I am not so trammeled & bound down that I do not know my loss—. At the same time — I find much comfort and joy — as you indeed suggest in my home & my children. You would not have as all wandering hither & thither — seeking after we know not what. There I guess that will do for a splurge — now for reasonable things. We were so glad — Janet & I to receive your delightful letters — we read them again & again — and listened to Katie — as she read hers. We enjoyed and [3]realized Alaska — the old Russian Possessions — of wh. I used to study in Geography — What queer notions I used to have of those shores — lined with greasy whale fisher men. Cold & ice & a stupid people! — Well I am glad that I have lived to this enlightened age. Had it not been for our civilization you could not have got there & back again in a lifetime. Janet will write to you herself — she is a good deal exercised just now over an essay wh. she is preparing for the Woman’s Club — on “Women in Universities in Europe & America”. She has given the subject a good deal of thought & I think it will prove interesting. This is a progressive age — you know — and the girl-women are bound to be educated. Merrill too is hard at work preparing[6]time. I think you will like both him — and his companion our young friend, Mr Gilbert. Miss Hendricks sent me over a full notice of your lecture in San Francisco. It was very interesting. And now I am writing you a long letter. My health is better, and I guess I have said my say. Do write as often as you can. We are always glad to hear. We were delighted that you met and enjoyed Isaac [Mooser?] — in Portland. When are you coming home: I sometimes feel like writing to your mother. Give my love to her.Truly & affectionatelyJulia M. Moores00890