Adventure tourism: the freedom to play with reality

157 leaves :ill. 30 cm. Includes bibliographical references. "December 2002". Adventure tourism is defined and marketed as an experience of excitement, danger and risk. Contained in the understanding of risk is the potential of loss, injury and death. Are tourists paying for the potential...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kane, Maurice J
Other Authors: Tucker, Hazel
Format: Thesis
Published: 2007
Online Access:
Summary:157 leaves :ill. 30 cm. Includes bibliographical references. "December 2002". Adventure tourism is defined and marketed as an experience of excitement, danger and risk. Contained in the understanding of risk is the potential of loss, injury and death. Are tourists paying for the potential to lose? Does the experience of adventure tourism correlate to the definitions of adventure tourism? What is the experience of adventure tourism? Is it serious leisure, narrated identity, or an accelerated short-lived society? This thesis examines the experience of nine participants on a commercially packaged white-water kayaking tour of the South Island of New Zealand. It is not in the typical mode of tourism research, having at its focal point, a constructionist paradigm. Utilising an ethnographic methodology, within the confines of a case study, understanding is interpreted and constructed through observation of participation, purposeful interviews and conversations with the nine tourists in the context of a two-week kayaking tour. The research does not seek a definitive understanding of the 'real' experience of adventure tourism, rather it seeks to add further depth and complexity to the social understandings of the experience of adventure tourism. The insights and understandings of this experience are not constructed exclusively within the two-week period of the tour. There is the influence of past tour experience, perspectives and understandings drawn from related experiences and fields of knowledge and the anticipation of how this experience will be viewed from some point in the future. 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