Summary:U završnome radu je b ilo potr ebno dobit i g rafove zagrijavanja transformatora pri nazivnom opterećenju i graf hlađenja transformatora kada završi zagrijavanje. U početku su bili opisani i prikazani model i id ealnog i realnog transformatora ka ko bi se lakše dobio uvid u sami rad transfor matora. Ka da je opis rada transformatora završen dolaze na red gubici koji su zaslužni za zagrijavanje vodiča (gubici u bakru) i jezgre (gubici u željezu). Načini na koji se top lina širi po transformatoru te u o ko lni prostor opisani su pomoću prije nosa top line kondu kci jom, konvekcijom i zračenjem. Nakon što je opisan sav teorijski dio, prikazan je praktičan dio u laboratoriju gdje je bilo potrebno izmjeriti gubitke u bakru (p okus kratkog spoja) i gubitke u željez u (pok us praznog hoda) te dobiti graf ove zagr ijavanja i hl ađenja iz pokusa opterećenja transformatora. U analizi mjernih rezultata su izračunati svi potrebni parametri koji su dobiveni iz pokusa. In the final paper, it was necessary to obtain graphs of transformer heating at r ated load and a transformer coolin g grap h when the heating was complete d. Initi ally, idea l a nd realistic transformer models were described and presented to give an easier insight into the operation of the transformer. When the description of the transf orme r operation is complete, the losse s that are responsible for heating th e conduc tors (copp er losses) and cores (iron losses) are in order. The ways in which heat spreads across the transformer and into the surrounding space are described by heat transfe r th rough conduction, convection and r ad iati on. After describing all the th eoretica l part, th e p ractical part in the laboratory is shown where it was necessary to measure copper losses (short circuit test) and iron losses (idle test) and obtain heating and coo ling graphs from transformer load te sts. In the analysis of the measure ment res ults, all the required parameters obtained from the experiments were calculated.