Summary:This 1904 reprint of the Treaty of Fort Laramie with the Sioux, Etc., 1851—also known as the Horse Creek Treaty—was transcribed and published in vol. II of Charles Kappler's Indian Affairs. Laws and Treaties. Originally signed on September 17, 1851, this treaty between the US Government and representatives from the Lakota, Cheyenne, Arapahoe, Crow, Assiniboine, Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nations, recognized and defined the boundaries between the Indigenous tribes of the Northern Great Plains. Equally, it sought to establish an effective and lasting peace between the signers by agreeing to a series of concessions. In return for recognizing their right to establish roads and posts, the US Government promised to protect the tribes from all depredations by the people of the United States and pay annual annuities of $50,000 for fifty years. This document reflects Congress’ amendment changing the annuity in Article 7 from fifty to ten years. The Senate ratified this treaty on May 24, 1852.