Summary:International audience Turkey has a decisive role at the heart of Eastern geopolitics, particularly because of itsmembership of NATO. Since the akp (Justice and Development Party) and its leader RecepTayyip Erdogan (Turkish Muslim Brotherhood Islamism) came to power, foreign policy hasseen a growing effervescence. This leads to impacts on organizations in terms of economic and energy development. Neo-Ottomanism, an expression of imperial nostalgia, led Ankaraalongside Baku, on the Balkan route, but also to head towards North Africa, from Libya toAlgeria and Tunisia, with varying successes. The Syrian crisis forces it to share with Russia theattempts to resolve the conflict. One constant is that of the obsession with the Kurdish threat,within Turkey but also on its borders, which leads to the repeated interventionism in Syria andIraq. Finally, the White Sea, Turkey's qualifier for the eastern Mediterranean, attractsTurkishcovetousness because of its hydrocarbon resources, causing a conflict situation with itsneighbors. Nevertheless, President Erdogan's pragmatism leads him to temper his excesses, andto move closer to the monarchies of the Gulf, Egypt and Israel, without omitting his role asmediator between Ukraine and Russia. La Turquie a un rôle déterminant au coeur de la géopolitique orientale, en particulier du fait de son appartenance à l'OTAN. Depuis l'arrivée au pouvoir de l'AKP (Parti de la Justice et du développement) et de son chef Recep Tayyip Erdogan (islamisme des Frères musulmans turcs), la politique étrangère a connu une effervescence croissante. Celle-ci conduit à des incidences sur les organisations en matière de développement économique et énergétique. Le néo ottomanisme, expression de la nostalgie impériale, amène Ankara aux côtés de Bakou,sur la route des Balkans, mais aussi à se diriger vers l’Afrique du Nord, de la Libye à l’Algérieet la Tunisie, avec des succès variables. La crise syrienne l’oblige à partager avec la Russie, lestentatives de résolution du conflit. Une constante est celle ...