Low effect of β-mannan on gene regulation in Atlantic salmon

In this thesis the effect of the prebiotic β-mannan on the molecular function of different tissues in Atlantic salmon was tested. As the fiber has proven metabolism-promoting effects in other terrestrial animals and humans, it is hypothesized that the addition of β-mannans can increase the productio...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Skog, Marte
Other Authors: Sandve, Simen Rød, Hvidsten, Torgeir Rhoden
Format: Master Thesis
Published: Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås 2022
Online Access:https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3018196
Summary:In this thesis the effect of the prebiotic β-mannan on the molecular function of different tissues in Atlantic salmon was tested. As the fiber has proven metabolism-promoting effects in other terrestrial animals and humans, it is hypothesized that the addition of β-mannans can increase the production of short chain fatty acids in the salmon gut. This could be advantageous to the host as it promotes immune system development, thereby improving overall health. Three different β-mannan-containing diets were compared to a control diet in the liver, gill, and hindgut tissue for fish in fresh- and saltwater, using differential expression analysis. The analysis was performed with both DESeq2 and EdgeR giving respectively 54 and 5 differentially expressed genes across all diets and tissues. In the DESeq2 results a small number of genes tied to down regulated immune response were found. Overall, the analysis showed a low number of differentially expressed genes for all the β-mannan-containing diets, indicating that the addition of the prebiotic has no or little effect on molecular function linked to metabolism. I denne oppgaven undersøkes effekten av prebiotikaen β-mannan på den molekylære funksjonen i ulike vev hos Atlantisk laks. Fibret er tidligere vist å ha en positiv effekt på metabolismen hos andre landdyr og mennesker. Hypotesen er da at tilsetning av β-mannan i fôret kan øke produksjonen av kortkjedede fettsyrer i tarmen hos laksen. Dette kan ha en helsefremmende effekt hos verten siden immunsystemet styrkes. I et eksperiment utført av forskergrupper ved NMBU testet man tre ulike fôr som inneholder βmannan. Effekter av disse fôrene på genregulering i gjeller, lever og tarm både i ferskvann og sjøvann ble sammenliknet med en fisk som fikk kontrolldiet. For å finne genreguleringen ble både DESeq2 og EdgeR bruk som analyseverktøy og de ga henholdsvis 54 og 5 differensielt uttrykte gener på tvers av alle vev og dietter. For DESeq2 ble et lite antall gener knyttet til nedregulering av immun respons. Alt i alt viste ...