Problemski pouk književnosti v osnovni šoli

V magistrskem delu Problemski pouk književnosti v osnovni šoli smo se osredotočili na izvedbo problemskega pouka književnosti v 7. razredu osnovne šole v Mariboru. Najprej smo pregledali literaturo in teorijo o problemskem pouku in zapisali tipologije o problemskem pouku različnih avtorjev. Sledila...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Šimac, Barbara
Other Authors: Pulko, Simona
Format: Master Thesis
Published: B. Šimac 2018
Online Access:
Summary:V magistrskem delu Problemski pouk književnosti v osnovni šoli smo se osredotočili na izvedbo problemskega pouka književnosti v 7. razredu osnovne šole v Mariboru. Najprej smo pregledali literaturo in teorijo o problemskem pouku in zapisali tipologije o problemskem pouku različnih avtorjev. Sledila je izvedba dveh problemskih učnih ur in ene tradicionalne učne ure. Učne ure smo pripravili in izvedli sami. Prebrali in analizirali smo pesem Roalda Dahla: Rdeča kapica in volk. S pomočjo analize samega poteka pouka in izdelkov učencev smo želeli pokazati uporabnost problemskega pouka, v čem se ta razlikuje od tradicionalnega pouka, hkrati pa smo želeli dobiti odgovore na zastavljene hipoteze o problemskem pouku književnosti v osnovni šoli. Po izvedenih urah je sledil pregled in analiza vseh pridobljenih pisnih izdelkov. Pri analizi smo upoštevali starost ter psihofizični razvoj učencev. Učenci so morali v eni problemski uri opredeliti pozitivne in negativne odgovore na zastavljeno problemsko vprašanje. V eni uri so učenci ustvarjali besedila, ki so bila vezana na dve problemski situaciji, povezani z aktualno ekološko problematiko. Na koncu nas je zanimal še odziv na problemski pouk, zato so učenci izpolnili anketni vprašalnik, ki je pokazal, ali jim je bil tak način dela všeč. Tradicionalna učna ura je potekala po klasičnem modelu učne priprave (motivacija, napoved besedila, branje, čustveno-spoznavni premor, izpoved doživetij, analiza – vsebinska in literarnovedna, sinteza, vrednotenje, nove naloge). Učenci so morali na koncu ustvariti besedilo, pri katerem so se vživeli v vlogo Rdeče kapice ter uporabiti svojo domišljijo. Učenci so se s problemskim pristopom obravnave srečali prvič. Menimo, da bi večje število ur dela z metodo problemskega pouka podalo drugačne rezultate učencev. Pri problemski učni uri se je izkazalo, da so deklice bolj ustvarjalne kot dečki. Pisne izdelke so ustvarjale z večjim zagonom, prav tako so imele bogatejši besedni zaklad kot dečki. Učenci niso najbolje razumeli, kaj navodila od njih zahtevajo, zato so tudi izdelki dokaj slabi in niso prinesli želenih rezultatov. Rezultati analize učnega lista pri tradicionalnem pouku so pokazali, da so bile deklice bolj natančne pri branju navodil, medtem ko so dečki navodila brali zelo površno. Rezultati analize anketnega vprašalnika so pokazali, da je bil učencem tak pouk všeč in da bi si želeli še več takšnega načina dela. In the master thesis Problem-Based Teaching of Literature in Elementary School, we focused on the implementation of the problem-based lesson of literature in the 7th grade in an elementary school in Maribor. First, we examined the literature and theory regarding problem-based teaching and wrote down typologies on the problems of different authors which was followed by the implementation of two problem-based lessons and one traditional lesson. We ourselves prepared and carried out the lessons. We read and analyzed the poem written by Roald Dahl: Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. By analyzing the course of the lesson and the products of students, we want to show the usefulness of problem-based teaching, where such teaching differs from traditional lessons, and at the same time, we want to obtain answers to the hypotheses about problem-based teaching of literature in elementary school. After the completed lessons, the review and analysis of all obtained written products followed. The analysis took into account the age and psycho-physical development of pupils. In one problem-based lesson, pupils had to define positive and negative answers to the problem-based issue they were asked about. In one hour, pupils created texts that were linked to two problem situations. Both situations were associated with current ecological issues. In the end, we were also interested in their response to problem-based lessons, so pupils had to fill in a questionnaire to show whether they liked such a way of working. The traditional lesson was conducted according to the classical model of learning preparation (motivation, text prediction, reading, emotional-cognitive pause, sharing experiences, analysis - content and literary, synthesis, evaluation, new tasks). At the end, the pupils had to create a text in which they took on the role of the Little Red Riding Hood and use their imagination. The pupils encountered a problem-based approach for the first time. We believe that pupils would need a few more hours working with the problem-based lesson method. The results of the students would therefore certainly be fundamentally different. During the problem-based lesson, girls proved to be more creative than boys. They enjoyed creating written texts more than boys did. It turned out that girls have a richer vocabulary than boys. Pupils did not understand fully what they were required to do by the instructions, so the products are quite poor and did not show the desired results. The results of the analysis of the handout given in the traditional lesson showed that girls were more consistent in reading the instructions, while the boys' read the instructions very superficially. The results of the analysis of the questionnaire showed that the students enjoyed such lessons and that they would like to work in such a way in the future as well.