Asortiment v prodajalnah z oblačili

V svojem diplomskem seminarju sem obravnavala temo asortiment v prodajalnah z oblačili, ki se mi zdi v tem času zelo pomembna, namreč trg je vedno bolj nasičen s prodajalnami ter posledično je tudi konkurenca večja, zato se mi zdi celoten asortiment prodajalne ključnega pomena, da uspemo v današnjem...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Klobasa, Martina
Other Authors: Završnik, Bruno
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: M. Klobasa 2018
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Summary:V svojem diplomskem seminarju sem obravnavala temo asortiment v prodajalnah z oblačili, ki se mi zdi v tem času zelo pomembna, namreč trg je vedno bolj nasičen s prodajalnami ter posledično je tudi konkurenca večja, zato se mi zdi celoten asortiment prodajalne ključnega pomena, da uspemo v današnjem času. Da bi pridobili nove potencialne odjemalce, menim, da je zelo pomemben sam imidž prodajalne ter tudi, sami dejavniki, ki vplivajo na to. Diplomski seminar sem razdelila na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu sledi razlaga pojmov, kaj je to izdelek, blagovna znamka, definicije asortimenta izdelka, opredelitev trgovine, vrste prodajaln z obzirom na specializirane prodajalne, imidž prodajalne ter njeni dejavniki. V empiričnem delu pa sem predstavila podjetje Tinkal d.o.o, kjer sem analizirala njihov asortiment, opredelila njihove dimenzije asortimenta izdelkov ter cene prodajnega asortimenta. Ugotovili smo, da imajo v podjetju ozek, globok in dolg asortiment izdelkov. Končna ugotovitev je tudi, da je konsistentnost asortimenta skladna, saj so, po vseh treh kriterijih, ki smo jih upoštevali, izdelki med seboj povezani. konkurenco podjetju pa predstavljata prodajalni H&M in Zara. In my thesis, I discussed the theme of the assortment in clothes stores, which I consider to be very important at this time, because the market is increasingly saturated with stores, and consequently, the competition is even greater, so entire assortment seems to me to be of the utmost importance in present times. In order to gain new potential customers, I believe that the store's image itself is very important, as well as the factors that influence it. I divided the thesis on a theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part follows the explanation of the concepts of what is a product, a trademark, definitions of the product assortment, characterization of store, type of stores regarding specialized stores, stores's image and its factors. In the empirical part, I presented the company Tinkal d.o.o, I analyzed their assortment, defined their dimensions of the assortment and the prices of the sales assortment. We have found out that they have narrow, deep and long product assortment in the company. The final conclusion is that consistency of asortment is in harmony, since, according to all three criteria that we have considered, the products are connected. The biggest competition fort he company are stores H&M and Zara.