Migracije skozi oči beguncev

Ljudje se dandanes v vse večjem številu, na vse več različnih destinacij selijo. Selijo se prostovoljno ali prisilno ter zapuščajo svoje domove in postajajo migranti ali begunci. Migracije so danes tema, o kateri se precej govori. O tej temi govorijo mediji, politika, večkrat se o tem temi pogovarja...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kern, Katja
Other Authors: Bučar-Ručman, Aleš
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: K. Kern 2018
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=71736
Summary:Ljudje se dandanes v vse večjem številu, na vse več različnih destinacij selijo. Selijo se prostovoljno ali prisilno ter zapuščajo svoje domove in postajajo migranti ali begunci. Migracije so danes tema, o kateri se precej govori. O tej temi govorijo mediji, politika, večkrat se o tem temi pogovarjamo tudi ob kavi. Zdi se mi, da čeprav razprave na to temo zasledimo povsod in imamo dovolj dostopnih informacij kaj se dogaja, še vedno ni dokončno razložena oziroma je ne razume vsak. Prva stvar, ki jo posplošujemo so migrantje in begunci, ki imajo prav zaprav čisto drugo definicijo. Mediji nam predstavljajo eno stran migracij, različne politične stranke pa drugo, redkokdaj si sami ustvarimo predstavo o migracijah in beguncih. Razumevanje zakaj pride do migracij, kako so se te ljudje znašli na drugem koncu sveta, daleč od svojega doma pa je pravzaprav tema o kateri največ vedo povedati prav ljudje, ki so izkusili to pot oziroma izkušnjo. Če želimo razumeti vzroke, zaradi katerih se ljudje odločajo odditi drugam, se moramo postaviti v njihov položaj, morda bi šele takrat razumeli, zakaj nekdo beži iz svoje domovine in išče zatočišče v povsem novi državi in novi kulturi. Migracije so danes veliko in zelo pomembno vprašanje vseh držav, njihovih prebivalcev in njihovih voditeljev. Rešujemo težave, ki so povezane z migrantskimi tokovi, kako jih ustaviti in kako jih nadzorovati. So pomembno varnostno in ekonomsko vprašanje vseh držav, držav, ki migrante sprejemajo in držav iz katerih migrantje in begunci prihajajo. Today, people are moving in an increasing number to a different destination all over the world. They move voluntarily or they are forced to move and they leave their homes and become migrants or refugees. Migration is today a topic that is quite talkative. Media is talking about it, we can find that topic in politics and sometimes we talk about that when we go on a coffee with friends. It seems to me that, although there is lot od information available, what is happening is still not explained or understood by everyone. The first and most common thing that we generalize are migrants and refugees who have a very different definition. Media represent one side of migration, different political parties other side and we rarely create our own idea of migration and refugees. Understanding why migrations are happening, how these people found themselves at the other side of the world, far away from home is actually the topic which only people who experienced this journey would know and understand. If we want to understand the causes that people decide to go elsewhere, we need to get into their position, perhaps only then we will understand why someone leaves his homeland and goes to a new country and also a new culture. Migration is today a very important issue for all countries, their people and their leaders. We are solving problems related to migrant flows, how to stop them and how to control them. They are important security and economic issue for all counties, which accept migrants and countries where migrants come from.