Motivacija zaposlenih v kontaktnem centru podjetja XY d.o.o.

Podjetje XY d. o. o., je organizacija, ki se ukvarja s telekomunikacijskimi rešitvami za fizične in za pravne osebe. Podrobno bomo predstavili delo v kontaktnem centru obravnavanega podjetja. Oddelek ima prvi stik s stranko, zato je komunikacija zelo pomembna, saj stranka prek omenjenega oddelka dob...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kosmač, Petra
Other Authors: Šprajc, Polona
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2018
Online Access:
Summary:Podjetje XY d. o. o., je organizacija, ki se ukvarja s telekomunikacijskimi rešitvami za fizične in za pravne osebe. Podrobno bomo predstavili delo v kontaktnem centru obravnavanega podjetja. Oddelek ima prvi stik s stranko, zato je komunikacija zelo pomembna, saj stranka prek omenjenega oddelka dobi prvi vtis o podjetju. Delo zahteva splošne kompetence, ki jih mora oseba imeti, da lahko takšno delo uspešno opravlja. Te kompetence so komunikativnost, zmožnost hitrega učenja, prodajna naravnanost, sposobnost hitrega reševanja problemov, motiviranost in samoiniciativnost. Če oseba nima sposobnosti za opravljanje tovrstnega dela in omenjenih kompetenc, je lahko delo slabo opravljeno, nezadovoljni so zaposleni, vodstvo in stranke. Med lastnostmi, ki jih mora imeti oseba za delo v kontaktnem centru, so komunikativnost, prijaznost, strpnost, oseba mora imeti rada ljudi, pomemben je tudi nadzor nad lastnimi čustvi. Znati mora obvladovati stres, saj lahko prihaja do neprijetnih situacij v stiku s strankami. Delo je lahko neposredni vzrok nezadovoljstva zaposlenih, a je krivda za to lahko tudi na strani vodstva. Glede na naravo dela lahko trdimo, da nezadovoljstvo in fluktuacija izvirata iz dela, da pa se o tem prepričamo, bomo izvedli anketo v kontaktnem centru: uslužbenci bodo sami navedli, kako so motivirani in kaj jih motivira. Na podlagi tega bomo podali predlog spremembe, ki bi jo implementirali v proces oddelka. Company XY d.o.o. is an organization that deals with telecommunication solutions for individuals and companies. We will describe the work in the contact center. Department has first contact with the customer, so communication is still important, as the customer gets the first overall impression about the company. Work requires general competencies that the person performing the work must have in order to perform the work successfully. These competences are communication, ability to learn quickly, sales orientation, ability to quickly solve problems, motivation and has to be self-initiative. If a person does not have the capacity to perform such work and the above competences, the job may be poorly done, and the employee, the management and the clients are dissatisfied. Among the features that a person must have for work in the contact center are also communicativeness, kindness, tolerance, the person has to love the people, and the control over his own emotions is also important. He must also master the problem of stress, as there may be unpleasant situations with customers. Work can be the cause of employee dissatisfaction, but the guilt can also be on the side of the management. Depending on the nature of the work, we can say that dissatisfaction and fluctuation originate from the work itself, but to be sure, we will conduct a survey in the contact center, where the employees will indicate what they feel, how motivated they are and what motivates them. On this basis, we will make a proposal for an amendment that would be implemented in the departmental process.