Analiza uporabniške izkušnje kripto valutnih borz

Čas je spremenljivka, ki na vseh področjih prinaša spremembe v razvoju. Vendar se pa skozi čas ni spremenila ena glavna potreba ljudi, in to je potreba po denarju. Denar lahko smatramo kot najpomembnejšo dobrino, saj je denar tisti, ki omogoča zamenjavo za dobrine, potrebne v našem vsakdanu. Ampak t...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Jovan, Jani
Other Authors: Perko, Igor
Format: Master Thesis
Published: J. Jovan 2018
Online Access:
Summary:Čas je spremenljivka, ki na vseh področjih prinaša spremembe v razvoju. Vendar se pa skozi čas ni spremenila ena glavna potreba ljudi, in to je potreba po denarju. Denar lahko smatramo kot najpomembnejšo dobrino, saj je denar tisti, ki omogoča zamenjavo za dobrine, potrebne v našem vsakdanu. Ampak tudi denar ni bil imun na spremembe, ki jih prinaša čas. Tako je denar skozi svoj razvoj prišel iz školjk do sedaj najbolj aktualnih kripto valut, ki so tudi osnovno področje, iz katerega je vzeta tema tega magistrskega dela. Zaradi naraščajočega zanimanja investitorjev nad kripto valutami, se je povečalo tudi število ponudnikov (borz), ki omogočajo trgovanje s kripto valutami. Iz tega razloga smo se odločili, da bomo v sklopu tega magistrskega dela podrobneje predstavili določene kripto valutne borze in jih med seboj primerjali. Kot povedano, je ponudba kripto valutnih borz v tem trenutku že precej obširna in primerjava med vsemi ponudniki ne bi bila možna. Pri sami primerjavi je treba upoštevati tudi to, da niso vse borze namenjene isti ciljni skupini investitorjev. Namen primerjave v tem magistrskem delu je, da se glede na tip investitorja identificira za njegove potrebe in želje primerna borza. Za zagotovitev optimalne primerjave smo v prvem koraku omejili število borz, ki jih bomo primerjali. Ker pa se kripto valutne borze že same po sebi delijo v dve kategoriji, in sicer v fiat in ne-fiat borze, smo se odločili, da bomo za vsako kategorijo izbrali po dva predstavnika. Tako smo v našo raziskavo vključili naslednje štiri borze, kot predstavnika fiat borz Bitstamp in Kraken ter kot predstavnika ne-fiat borz pa Poloniex in Bittrex. Vse štiri borze smo primerjali na podlagi šestih kriterijev, ki zajemajo področje varnosti, provizij pri trgovanju, odzivnosti podpore, postopek verifikacije, podprte plačilne metode in kot končno tudi uporabniško izkušnjo. Slednjo smo preizkusili preko testnega uporabnika in s pomočjo lastnih izkušenj pri trgovanju na zgoraj navedenih borzah. Končna primerjava na področju kripto valutnih borz je pokazala, da je v tem trenutku trg kripto valut zelo volatilen, zaradi česar investitorjem tudi omogoča tako hitre in visoke prihodke kot tudi odhodke. Zaradi te volatilnosti in nenehnih sprememb na trgu tako na strani ponudbe, povpraševanja kot tudi na strani zakonodaje so borze primorane k nenehni adaptaciji. Pri tem je pomembno izpostaviti tudi to, da kakovost in specifikacija borz niha v skladu z nihanjem na trgu. Iz tega razloga smo za našo primerjavo izbrali tudi stabilnejše obdobje, ki bi pokazalo dejansko delovanje vsakega od predstavnikov. Rezultati naše raziskave so pokazali, da je imel Bitstamp glede na ocene pri izbranih kriterijih skupno najvišjo oceno, pri čemer je bil tudi boljši predstavnik fiat borze kot Kraken. Na drugem mestu se je glede na skupno oceno znašel Bittrex, ki ga tako smatramo kot boljšega predstavnika ne-fiat borz. Trg kripto valutnih borz je še v nastajanju, saj se spreminja tako ponudba kot število ponudnikov. Prav zato je v prihodnosti še ogromno izzivov ter možnosti za napredek in rast. Time is a variable that challenges development in every possible area. The only thing that has not changed through time is the need for money. We can easily say that money is the most important good in our life. Money is the thing, which enables people exchange for goods needed in their everyday. Although the need for money remained through time, the money itself was not immune for the changes. It developed from sea shells to the nowadays popular crypto currencies, which is the discussed topic of our thesis. Because the demand and supply of crypto currencies and cryptocurrency exchanges has experienced a remarkable growth, we decided to present a more detailed presentation and comparison about cryptocurrency exchanges in our thesis. The market of cryptocurrency exchanges is big, therefore a comparison between all participants was not possible. Furthermore, we had to take into account that not all of the exchanges are not aiming for the same target group of investors. The main goal of our thesis was to identify a suitable exchange for the investor, based on his wishes and needs. In order to provide an optimal comparison, we first had to limit the number of exchanges included in the research. However, since the cryptocurrency exchanges are already divided into two basic categories, namely fiat and non-fiat exchanges, we decided to find two representatives for each category. Therefore, the total amount of exchanges included in our research is four. The representatives of the fiat exchanges are Bitstamp and Kraken and the representatives of the non-fiat exchanges are Poloniex and Bittrex. All of the included exchanges will be compared based on six criteria that cover the field of security, trading fees, support responsiveness, verification process, supported payment methods and finally, user experience. The following was tested with help of a test user and based on our personal experience with trading on the included exchanges. Finally, the comparison of the cryptocurrency exchanges showed that the currency market is at this time experiencing a lot of changes. Therefore, the gains and losses of the investors are big and fast. Furthermore, the changes in demand, supply and legislation in the market forces the exchanges into constant adaptation to the market. It is important to emphasize that the quality and specification of the exchanges fluctuates according with the fluctuation on the cryptocurrency market. As a result, we decided to compare the included exchanges in a more stable period, which will show the actual performance of each representative. Due to our research, the best representative of the cryptocurrency exchanges was Bitstamp, which had the highest average grade among all of the included exchanges. Bitstamp was also the best representative in the fiat category. The runner up based on the average grade was Bittrex, which was also the better representative in the non-fiat category. To conclude our comparison, the market of cryptocurrency exchanges is still emerging, because the supply of crypto currencies as the supply of cryptocurrency exchanges is constantly changing. The future of those exchanges will therefore be full of challenges and possibilities of a further growth.