Metode za obvladovanje stresa

Teoretično izhodišče: Stres je danes vzrok za mnogo bolezni in negativno vpliva na kakovost življenja v celotni družbi. Je prirojen odziv, katerega lahko zaznamo s poznavanjem simptomov. Pomembno je, da ga zgodaj prepoznamo ter sestavimo načrt obvladovanja. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili metode,...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Mergeduš, Jernej
Other Authors: Čuček Trifkovič, Klavdija
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: J. Mergeduš 2018
Online Access:
Summary:Teoretično izhodišče: Stres je danes vzrok za mnogo bolezni in negativno vpliva na kakovost življenja v celotni družbi. Je prirojen odziv, katerega lahko zaznamo s poznavanjem simptomov. Pomembno je, da ga zgodaj prepoznamo ter sestavimo načrt obvladovanja. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili metode, s katerimi lahko preprečimo ali zmanjšamo stres, ter tako izboljšamo svoje psihično in fizično zdravje. Metodologija: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno ali opisno metodo dela, s pregledom znanstvene in strokovne literature. Med seboj smo primerjali mnenja različnih avtorjev, ki so nas pripeljala do odgovorov na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da lahko z opisanimi metodami za obvladovanje stresa, kot so tehnike sproščanja, joga, meditacija, psihoterapija in avtogeni trening, uspešno zmanjšamo ali odpravimo stres. Pomembno je, da posamezniki prepoznajo stres ter poznajo metode, s katerimi ga lahko zmanjšajo. Predvsem so učinkovite metode, ki nas sprostijo in aktivirajo našo zavest. Pomembna je tudi zdrava prehrana, gibanje ter dobri medosebni odnosi. Kadar stresa ne zmoremo obvladovati sami, je najbolje poiskati strokovno pomoč. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da ljudje slabo obvladujejo stres, čeprav se ga mnogo ljudi zaveda in pozna metode za obvladovanje stresa. Menimo, da bi morali metode obvladovanja stresa predstaviti ljudem čim bolj zgodaj, že v otroštvu, saj smo v tem starostnem obdobju že močno izpostavljeni stresu. To bi pripomoglo k izboljšanju celostnega zdravja v družbi, boljš Theoretical starting point: Stress is today the cause of many diseases and has a negative impact on the quality of life in the whole society. It is a congenital response that can be detected by knowing the symptoms. It is important to recognize it early and to draw up a plan of control. In the diploma work we presented methods that can prevent or reduce stress, thus improving our mental and physical health. Methodology: In the diploma work we used the descriptive or descriptive method of work, with a review of scientific and technical literature. We compared each other's opinions among the different authors, which led us to the answers to the asked research questions. Results: We have found that using stressed methods such as relaxation techniques, yoga, meditation, psychotherapy and autogenic training, we can successfully reduce or eliminate stress. It is important that individuals recognize stress and know the methods by which they can reduce it. Above all, there are effective methods that release us and activate our consciousness. Healthy nutrition, movement and good interpersonal relationships are also important. When we can not manage the stress ourselves, it is best to seek professional help. Discussion and conclusion: We have found that people have little control over stress, although many people are aware of it and are familiar with methods for managing stress. We believe that stress management methods should be presented to people as early as possible, already in childhood, as we are already strongly exposed to stress during this age. This would help to improve the overall health of the society, the better interpersonal relationship and the quality of life.