Ogroženost gozdov v Sloveniji

Slovenija je evropska država z največ gozdnega bogastva. Skozi zgodovino so slovenski gozdovi prestali veliko sprememb. Prebivalstvo je v preteklih letih gozdove uničevalo z namenom, da bi si zagotovili kmetijski prostor. Skratka, gozdovi so bili v preteklosti uničeni zaradi takratnega sistema in na...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Efendić, Nina
Other Authors: Eman, Katja
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: N. Efendić 2017
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=65858
Summary:Slovenija je evropska država z največ gozdnega bogastva. Skozi zgodovino so slovenski gozdovi prestali veliko sprememb. Prebivalstvo je v preteklih letih gozdove uničevalo z namenom, da bi si zagotovili kmetijski prostor. Skratka, gozdovi so bili v preteklosti uničeni zaradi takratnega sistema in načina življenja. Danes so gozdovi bolj ohranjeni. Napolnili so prostor Slovenije. Kljub temu, da so slovenski gozdovi ogroženi zaradi različnih dejavnikov, je raba gozdov danes dokaj drugačna kot v preteklosti. Gozdovi nam dajejo najpomembnejši vir, in to je les. Ogromno lesa se porabi za proizvodne namene. Če pogledamo v svojem domu, imamo pohištvo, ki je narejeno iz lesa. Po drugi strani pa nekateri ljudje niti ne vidijo, da imajo naraven vir bogastva doma. Diplomsko delo predstavlja ogroženost gozdov v Sloveniji. Namen diplomskega dela je prikazati, kaj je gozd, kateri so dejavniki ogrožanja. Cilj je ugotoviti, kaj se dogaja z našimi gozdovi, kateri so vzroki in kakšne so posledice. Naredili smo analizo poseka lesa, ki je bil po regijah Slovenije izveden zaradi posledic žledu, ki je močno opustošil gozdove. Ugotovili smo, da je bil posek izveden v letih od 2011 do 2015. Največ posekanega lesa je bilo v letih 2014 in 2015. Ugotovili smo, da se lesna zaloga v Sloveniji povečuje in da nad iglastimi drevesi še vedno preti lubadar. Podnebne spremembe so aktualen dejavnik v današnjem prostoru, ki znatno vpliva na drevesne spremembe. Za podnebne spremembe je krivo tudi prebivalstvo, saj s svojim ravnanjem škoduje gozdovom. Ljudje odvržejo odpadke v gozd, odlagajo, sežigajo, ilegalno posekajo drevesa. Na žalost si sami krojijo naravo, zdravje, uničujejo prostor rastlinam, živalim. Čez čas se stvari nakopičijo in se ne dogajajo brez razloga. Poleg človeka veliko škode naredijo tudi industrije. Zaradi težkih industrij v zraku nastaja žveplov dioksid in kot posledica kisel dež. Ne glede na vse, trpijo gozdovi in podnebje. Da bi se ogroženost gozdov začela zmanjševati, bi morali bolj ozaveščati prebivalstvo o posledicah, ki so vse bolj vidne, vsakršno nezakonito dejanje pa bi se moralo prijaviti pristojnim organom. Slovenia is a European country with the most abundant forests. Throughout history, Slovenian forests have undergone numerous changes. In the past years, people have destroyed and cut down extensive forests in order to create agricultural land. In other words, forests have been destroyed due to the prevailing system and the way of life during those past periods of time. Nowadays, Slovenian forests are much more preserved. They have once again spread and grown across Slovenia. Even though Slovenian forest are endangered due to various factors, their use today, if compared with the past, is quite different. Forests provide us with the most important resource, i.e. wood. A great deal of it is used for production purposes. A simple glance at our homes reveals that our furniture is mostly made of wood. Some people, however, are unable to see they have a significant natural resource within the reach of their hands, right in their own homes. The thesis explores the endangerment of Slovenian forests. Its aim is to show what a forest really is, and to present the relating endangerment factors. We attempted to find out what is happening to our forests, the causes for it and the resulting consequences. We analysed tree-felling carried out in various Slovenian regions due to the effects of glaze which devastated a considerable part of the country’s forests. We ascertained that the felling took place between 2011 and 2015, and that the most trees were felled in 2014 and 2015. Through statistics, we established that the timber stock in Slovenia is increasing, and that the bark beetle remains the main risk and menace to the coniferous trees. Today’s most common endangerment factor is climate change, which significantly affects the changes in trees. People are partly to blame for the climate change as they keep harming the forests with their irresponsible behaviour, which includes dumping waste in forests, burning them down, and illegal tree cutting. Their actions have consequences for the nature that surrounds us, as well as our health. People are destroying the natural habitat of the world’s flora and fauna. Over time, the results of such actions accumulate and lead to disastrous consequences. In addition to the human factor, considerable damage is caused by the numerous industries. Heavy industry causes the release of sulphur dioxide in the air, resulting in acid rain, which is harmful to forests and the climate. In order to reduce the level of forest endangerment, people should be made more aware of the increasingly visible consequences, and any illegal act should be immediately reported to the authorities.