Glasba petošolcev v šoli in zunaj nje

V magistrskem delu z naslovom Glasba petošolcev v šoli in zunaj nje proučujemo, kakšno glasbo danes poslušajo mladi, katera zvrst je najbolj preferirana, kakšno glasbo in oblike glasbenih dejavnosti jim ponuja šola, koliko so sami aktivni v glasbenih dejavnostih ter kdo ima vpliv na njihovo ukvarjan...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Šramel, Špela
Other Authors: Črčinovič Rozman, Janja
Format: Master Thesis
Published: Š. Šramel 2017
Online Access:
Summary:V magistrskem delu z naslovom Glasba petošolcev v šoli in zunaj nje proučujemo, kakšno glasbo danes poslušajo mladi, katera zvrst je najbolj preferirana, kakšno glasbo in oblike glasbenih dejavnosti jim ponuja šola, koliko so sami aktivni v glasbenih dejavnostih ter kdo ima vpliv na njihovo ukvarjanje z glasbo in poslušanje določene glasbene zvrsti. Raziskava je bila s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika izvedena na vzorcu 114-ih učencev in učenk petega razreda osnovne šole v mestu (Celje) in na podeželju (Šmarje pri Jelšah). Preučevali smo vse zgoraj našteto, rezultate pa primerjali po spolu in lokaciji šole. Šola v mestu ponuja kar nekaj več interesnih dejavnosti kot šola na podeželju, prav tako so le-te tudi bolj raznolike. Ponujajo ples in instrumentalne krožke, česar na šoli na podeželju ni. Obisk teh interesnih dejavnosti pa ni tako visok, kot smo pričakovali, saj le majhen delež učencev obiskuje dejavnosti, povezane z glasbo. Na vprašanje, zakaj se ukvarjajo z interesnimi dejavnostmi, povezanimi z glasbo, so učenci v največji meri odgovorili, da preprosto radi pojejo, imajo radi glasbo in jim je glasba všeč, radi plešejo (predvsem dekleta), da se nekaj naučijo ter igrajo inštrumente. V prostem času se več kot polovica učencev ukvarja z glasbenimi dejavnostmi. Zelo pogosto je to glasbena šola, veliko tudi pojejo in plešejo. Tudi tukaj prednjačijo dekleta. Učenci so mnenja, da se v šolah preveč posluša ljudska glasba ter otroške pesmice, pogrešajo pa pop in rock zvrst, ki sta najbolj poslušani zvrsti v prostem času. Med mladimi je na prvem mestu še vedno pop glasba, sledi ji rock ter presenetljivo narodnozabavna glasba. Zanimiva je razlika med spoloma, saj se za rock veliko bolj navdušujejo dečki, deklicam pa je bližje narodnozabavna in klasična glasba. Tudi tukaj so učenci mnenja, da na to nihče ne vpliva, ampak poslušajo zvrst, ki najbolj ustreza njim. Ugotovili smo, da imajo učenci zelo različen okus, pa vendar se najde kar nekaj glasbenikov, ki so jim skupni. Veliko je tujih izvajalcev, zelo malo pa domačih. Za takšen rezultat lahko »krivimo« tudi medije, ki nam v večini predvajajo le tujo glasbo. Še posebej bi pri tem izpostavili radio, kjer slovenske glasbe skoraj ni več slišati. Med najbolj popularne izvajalce ta trenutek lahko štejemo One direction, On republic, Klemna Slakonjo, Modrijane, Katty Perry ter Taylor Swift. In the master`s thesis with the title Music education of the fifth-graders in and outside of school, we study what kind of music the young people listen to today, which genre is the most preferred, what kind of music and musical activities the school offers them, how much they are active in musical activities by themselves and who has an influence on their involvement with music and listening to certain music genres. With the help of a survey questionnaire, the research on a sample of 114 fifth grade pupils of primary school in the city (Celje) and rural areas (Šmarje pri Jelšah) was carried out. We studied all of the above and compared the results by gender and school location. The school in the city area offers quite a few more extracurricular activities than the school in rural area, they are also more diverse. They offer dance and instrumental clubs, which the school in the countryside does not. Attendance of these extracurricular activities is not as high as we expected. To the question why they are practising music- related extracurricular activities, the pupils mostly answered that they simply like to sing, they love music and they like music, they like to dance (especially girls), to learn something and to play instruments. In their free time, more than half the students are involved in some types of musical activities. Very often this is a music school, they also sing and dance a lot. Also here, the girls are in the lead. The pupils` opinion is that they have to listen too much folk music and children`s songs in the school. They miss pop and rock genre, which are the most listened to in their free time. Among the young people in the first place there is still pop music, followed by rock and surprisingly folk music. There is an interesting difference among the genders, because the boys are much more interested in the rock music, the girls are, however, closer to folk music and classical music. Also here, the pupils have the opinion that no one has an impact on that, but that they can listen to a genre that suits them best. We have found out that students have a very various taste in music, yet we can find quite a few musicians who they have in common. There are a lot of foreign performers, yet there are only a few domestic ones. For such a result we can "blame" the media, who plays only foreign music in the majority. We would particularly like to expose the radio, where Slovenian music is almost not to be heard. Among the most popular performers at this moment are One Direction, One Republic, Klemen Slakonja, Modrijani, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift.