Vitka proizvodnja pripomore organizacijam na sami kakovosti, kakovosti dela in socialnih razmerjih, zato se vse več organizacij in podjetij odloča za vpeljevanje vitke proizvodnje. Prav tako smo se tudi mi odločili, da bomo z našo diplomsko nalogo pripomogli vpeljati vitko proizvodnjo v avtokleparsk...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Krajnc, Matjaž
Other Authors: Roblek, Matjaž
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2016
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=64647
Summary:Vitka proizvodnja pripomore organizacijam na sami kakovosti, kakovosti dela in socialnih razmerjih, zato se vse več organizacij in podjetij odloča za vpeljevanje vitke proizvodnje. Prav tako smo se tudi mi odločili, da bomo z našo diplomsko nalogo pripomogli vpeljati vitko proizvodnjo v avtokleparsko in ličarsko podjetje Krajnc d.o.o. V diplomski nalogo smo s pomočjo strokovne literature v teoretičnem delu opisali samo vitko proizvodnjo, njene gradnike in njeno vpeljavo v organizacijo. V nadaljevanju smo opisali podjetje Krajnc d.o.o. in njegov delovni proces ter metode: metodo 6-S, 5x Zakaj in Pareto analizo, katere smo vpeljali v podjetje. V empiričnem delu pa predstavljamo omejitve, na katere smo naleteli pri samem raziskovanju, analize delovnih procesov in odstopanj po delovnih nalogah ter aktivnosti zaposlenih. Vse analize smo podprli z dokazi izboljšav in s samimi računskimi dokazi. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil povečati doseganje delovnih normativov, ki so predpisani s strani zavarovalnic. S pomočjo diplomske naloge smo povečali doseganje delovnih normativov in izboljšali odnose ter komunikacijo v podjetju, s čimer je vodstvo podjetja zelo zadovoljno. Tako je bil cilj diplomske naloge dosežen. Lean manufacturing enables companies to improve their own quality, quality of their work and the level of social relations. Therefore, more and more organizations and companies are deciding to implement lean manufacturing. Thus the aim of this thesis has been to help implementing of lean manufacturing into the car body making and panel beating company Krajnc d.o.o. The theoretical part of the thesis describes lean manufacturing, its parts and implementation process on the basis of professional literature. Furthermore, the company Krajnc d.o.o and its working process are described together with methods used during research: method 6S and 5 Whys and Pareto Analyses which have been implemented in the company. The empirical part presents the problem that appeared during the research, the analyses of working processes and the deviations at working assignments and activities of the employees. All analyses have been supported by examples of improvements and pure calculations. The main goal of this thesis was to enlarge achievement of work normative regulated by insurance companies. With the help of the thesis the achievement of normative has improved together with the relations and communication within the company, which has greatly satisfied the managers. Therefore the goal of the thesis has been completely achieved.