Starostniki kot žrtve kaznivih dejanj s strani družinskih članov

Magistrsko delo obravnava viktimizacijo starostnikov, ki so žrtve kaznivih dejanj s strani družinskih članov. S procesom staranja se ljudje soočajo s postopnim upadanjem sposobnosti, starostniki pri vsakdanjih opravilih postajajo odvisni od pomoči drugih in so zato tudi dovzetnejši za nekatere vrste...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Cizej, Lucija
Other Authors: Pavšič Mrevlje, Tinkara
Format: Master Thesis
Published: L. Cizej] 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Magistrsko delo obravnava viktimizacijo starostnikov, ki so žrtve kaznivih dejanj s strani družinskih članov. S procesom staranja se ljudje soočajo s postopnim upadanjem sposobnosti, starostniki pri vsakdanjih opravilih postajajo odvisni od pomoči drugih in so zato tudi dovzetnejši za nekatere vrste viktimizacije. Prav odvisnost od viktimizatorjev je pogost razlog, da se žrtve ne odločijo ukrepati zoper njih. Starejši ljudje so lahko žrtve vseh vrst viktimizacij (psihična, fizična, spolna, finančna), storilci pa nad njimi pogosto vršijo po več vrst viktimizacij hkrati. Starostnike zaradi njihovih specifičnih značilnosti uvrščamo v ranljivo skupino žrtev, saj se težje spopadajo s posledicami viktimizacije kot posamezniki mlajših generacij. V raziskovalnem delu so predstavljene ugotovitve iz spisov Okrožnega državnega tožilstva v Celju in Okrožnega državnega tožilstva v Ljubljani. Ugotovili smo, da je večina oškodovancev ženskega spola, medtem ko med obdolženci prednjačijo moški. Najpogosteje je obdolženec sin, ki viktimizira svojo mamo, ali moški, ki viktimizira svojo partnerko. Oškodovanci in obdolženci pogosto prebivajo na skupnem naslovu. Viktimizacijo so na policijo najpogosteje naznanili oškodovanci sami. V spisih najpogosteje obravnavano kaznivo dejanje je bilo nasilje v družini. Po navedbah oškodovancev iz tožilskih spisov smo ugotovili, da gre v večini primerov (več kot 80 %) za dlje časa trajajočo viktimizacijo in ne enkraten dogodek. Oškodovanci kot najpogostejšo psihično posledico, ki so jo utrpeli v času viktimizacije, navajajo strah. Nadalje smo iz spisov razbrali, da v redkih primerih pride do končne obsodbe, saj se veliko kazenskih postopkov zoper družinske člane v vmesni fazi konča. Razlogov je veliko, zagotovo pa izstopa ta, da se starostniki kot žrtve kaznivih dejanj svojih družinskih članov težko odločijo za pričanje zoper svoje družinske člane. The thesis deals with the victimization of the elderly who are being victimized by their family members. In the process of aging, people are faced with a gradual lowering of their physical abilities and the elderly become dependent on the help of others in their day-to-day chores, which makes them more susceptible to some types of victimization. Their dependence on the people who victimize them is often the reason why victims decide not to act against them. The elderly can be the victims of all kinds of victimization (psychical, physical, sexual, financial), and are often subjected to multiple types of victimization at the same time. Due to these specific circumstances, the elderly are considered a vulnerable group of victims, as they have a harder time dealing with the consequences of victimization than the younger generations. The empirical part of the thesis presents the findings of an analysis of files from the Celje and Ljubljana district state prosecutor's offices. The analysis has shown that most of the victims are females, while the defendants are mostly males. In most cases, the defendant is a son who victimized his mother or a male who victimized his intimate female partner. The victims and defendants often have the same home address. The victimization is most frequently reported to police by the victims themselves. The files mostly deal with the criminal offense of domestic violence. According to victims' statements from the prosecution files, in most cases (more than 80%) the victimization was a long-term feature and not a one-off incident. The most frequent psychological consequence of the victimization reported by the victims is fear. The files also show that the cases that end in a conviction are few, as many proceedings against family members end prematurely. The reasons why this happens are many, but the most frequent one is that the elderly as the victims of crimes of their family members have a hard time deciding to testify against their family members.