Organizacije so živ organizem, ki se prilagajajo in razvijajo. V sodobnem svetu ni dovolj, da je dobra samo organizacija, ampak mora management podjetja nameniti veliko pozornosti tudi zaposlenim, ki s svojim delom tako ali drugače prispevajo k uspešnosti podjetja. Le tako, da je delavec pri svojem...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Špegel, Andreja
Other Authors: Kovač, Jurij
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Organizacije so živ organizem, ki se prilagajajo in razvijajo. V sodobnem svetu ni dovolj, da je dobra samo organizacija, ampak mora management podjetja nameniti veliko pozornosti tudi zaposlenim, ki s svojim delom tako ali drugače prispevajo k uspešnosti podjetja. Le tako, da je delavec pri svojem delu zadovoljen in motiviran, lahko od njega pričakujemo maksimalen doprinos k podjetju. Učinkovitost zaposlenih bo bistveno večja, če bodo v podjetju zadovoljni z vodenjem, motiviranjem, v medsebojnih odnosih in nagrajevanjem. Pomembna pa je tudi pripadnost podjetju, da imajo zaposleni občutek, da so tudi sami prispevali pri doseganju ciljev in uspešnosti podjetja. V teoretičnem delu je prikaz razsežnosti timskega dela, proces vodenja in dejavniki, ki vplivajo na uspešnost in učinkovitost timov. Kako naj bo tim sestavljen, da bo uspešen pri iskanju rešitev in reševanju problemov. Koliko članov naj šteje tim, da bo najbolj optimalen in katere vloge v timu poznamo. Izvedeli bomo, kako pomembna sta motivacija in nagrajevanje ter medsebojni odnosi v timu. V praktičnem delu je na kratko predstavljeno podjetje X, kjer je bila opravljena raziskava glede dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na uspešnost delovanja tima v podjetju in jih analizirali in predstavili. Organizations are living organisms that adapt and evolve. In the modern world it is not enough just to be a good organization, but should management of the company paid great attention to employees who, through their work one way or another contribute to the success of the company. The only way that a worker in his work is content and motivated, could expect a maximum contribution to the company. Staff efficiency will be significantly higher if in the company they are satisfied with the leadership, motivation, in their mutual relations and rewarding. Important is also the loyalty that employees feel that they themselves have contributed towards achieving the objectives and the performance of the company. In the theoretical part is present the dimension of the team works, process of the management and factors which affects the effectiveness and efficiency of teams. How should the team composed, to be successful in finding solutions and solving problems. How many members of the team should be considered to be optimum and what are the roles on the team we know. We will learn the importance of motivation and reward, and relationships within a team. In the practical part is briefly present the company X, which has been conducted concerning the factors that affect the performance of the team in the company and are analyzed and presented.