Oglaševanje, namenjeno otrokom, je področje »etično spornega oglaševanja«, saj otroci sami niso sposobni procesiranja oglasov na zavestni in kritični ravni (t. i. oglaševalska pismenost otrok), zato podjetja lažje vplivajo na njihove potrebe in ustvarjajo dodatne želje pri otrocih. Diplomsko delo pr...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Gornik, Špela
Other Authors: Hojnik, Janja
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [Š. Gornik] 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Oglaševanje, namenjeno otrokom, je področje »etično spornega oglaševanja«, saj otroci sami niso sposobni procesiranja oglasov na zavestni in kritični ravni (t. i. oglaševalska pismenost otrok), zato podjetja lažje vplivajo na njihove potrebe in ustvarjajo dodatne želje pri otrocih. Diplomsko delo preučuje problematiko oglaševanja otrokom v Evropski uniji (EU). Predstavljeno je, zakaj so otroci posebna skupina potrošnikov, ki so deležni oziroma bi morali biti deležni posebne zaščite. Pravni okvir pri regulaciji oglaševanja otrokom v EU, posameznih državah članicah EU, predstavlja pravo EU, v okviru katerega pa so države članice oblikovale svojo nacionalno zakonodajo, v obliki zakonov in podzakonskih aktov. Pomemben element na področju omejevanja oglaševanja predstavlja tudi instrument samoregulacije v obliki sprejetih oglaševalskih standardov. V okviru diplomske naloge analiziram umestitev oglaševanja iz vidika sodne prakse EU. Navajam pomembne odločitve sodišča EU glede nacionalnih omejitev oglaševanja v luči prostega pretoka blaga. V zadnjem delu diplomskega dela so obravnavane ureditve posameznih držav članic in njihova usklajenost s pravom EU. EU varuje otroke z določbami številnih direktiv in s tem postavlja omejitve pri oglaševanju, kar pa je dvorezen meč, saj z omejitvami kar hitro lahko poseže na področje omejevanja prostega pretoka blaga. V diplomski nalogi zaključujem, da kljub naporom harmonizacije področja oglaševanja otrokom, so v praksi držav članic še vedno različni pristopi k regulaciji oglaševanja otrokom. Obstoječi način regulative ne zagotavlja dovolj velike zaščite otrok pri oglaševanju, čeprav se institucije zavedajo problematike in potrebnih sprememb na zadevnem področju. Advertising designed for children is considered »ethically controversial« as children are not capable of processing advertisements on a conscious and critical level (the so-called advertisement literacy of children). This is why companies can easily influence on children’s needs and create additional desires in children. The thesis, researches the issue of advertising, designed for children in the European Union (the EU). It represents the factors as to why children are considered a special advertising group that are, or at least should be, granted special protection. The legal framework for the regulation of advertising to children in the EU, each individual Member State of the EU, represents the law of EU, within which Member States have formed their national legislation, in the form of laws and implementing regulations. An important element in the restriction of advertising is also an instrument of self-regulation in the form of accepted advertising standards. As part of the thesis, I analyze the placement of advertising out of perspective of EU law practice. I quote the relevant EU court rulings on national advertising restrictions in light of the free movement of goods. The last part of the thesis, deals with regulations of individual EU Member State and their compliance with EU law. EU protects children with the statutory provisions of many directives and thus puts restrictions on advertising, which is a double-edged sword, because it quickly intervenes, with its restrictions, to the free movement of goods. In this thesis, I conclude that, despite the efforts of harmonizing the field of advertising to children, in practice, Member States still have different approaches to the regulation of advertising to children. The current method of regulation does not provide a large enough protection for children in advertising, although the institutions are aware of the problem and the necessary changes in the field.