Arbitraža (angl. Arbitration, franc. Arbitrage, lat. Arbitrato) je stara institucija, ki je namenjena mirni obliki reševanja sporov, s katerimi lahko stranke prosto razpolagajo. O sporu odloča tretja nepristranska oseba ali več oseb, odločitev ki jo sprejmejo, pa je za stranke zavezujoča in ima učin...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Gologranc, Darinka
Other Authors: Keresteš, Tomaž
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [D. Gologranc] 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Arbitraža (angl. Arbitration, franc. Arbitrage, lat. Arbitrato) je stara institucija, ki je namenjena mirni obliki reševanja sporov, s katerimi lahko stranke prosto razpolagajo. O sporu odloča tretja nepristranska oseba ali več oseb, odločitev ki jo sprejmejo, pa je za stranke zavezujoča in ima učinke pravnomočne sodbe. Osebe, ki odločajo imenujemo arbitri. Pristojnost odločati o sporu daje arbitrom arbitražni sporazum, ki ga stranki skleneta na podlagi svobodne volje. Postopka pred arbitražo ne ureja zakon, ampak svobodna volja strank. Stranki tudi sami izbereta materialno pravo, ki ga sodišče uporabi. Odločitev, ki jo arbitražno sodišče sprejme, je za stranki zavezujoča. Velika večina arbitražnih odločb stranke izvršijo prostovoljno, vendar vselej ni tako. Še posebej je lahko izvršitev arbitražne odločbe problematična, v kolikor stranki nista iz iste države in gre torej za tujo arbitražno odločbo. Republika Slovenija je poleg drugih 155 držav podpisnica Konvencije združenih narodov o priznavanju in izvršitvi tujih arbitražnih odločb, ki je za poenotenje priznanja in izvršitve tuje arbitražne odločbe gotovo zelo pomembna kot pravni akt harmonizacije po celem svetu. Newyorška konvencija, na katero napotuje Zakon o arbitraži v 42. členu, se uporablja tudi za priznanje tujih arbitražnih odločb držav, ki niso podpisnice konvencije. Postopek priznanja in izvršitve poteka po pravilih postopka, ki velja na ozemlju države, kjer se zahteva priznanje. Sodišče na predpostavki nearbitrabilnosti spora in kršitve javnega reda države v kateri teče postopek za priznanje in izvršitev tuje arbitražne odločbe pazi po uradni dolžnosti, vendar jih ni dolžno upoštevati. Če sodišče presodi, da ni ovir, izda sklep o priznanju tuje arbitražne odločbe. Arbitration (fr. Arbitrage, lat. Arbitrato) is an old institution for peaceful settlement of disputes, of which the clients may dispose freely. A third party, made by one or more persons, imposes a decision about the dispute that is legally binding on both sides and has the same legal effect as an enforceable ruling made by court. The persons imposing the decision are called arbitrators. The arbitration agreement gives the arbitrators the jurisdiction to impose a decision about a dispute. The arbitration agreement is freely concluded between the parties. The arbitration procedure is not regulated by law but by free will. The parties themselves choose a substantive law, which is used by the court. The decision made by the arbitral tribunal is binding for both parties. Most arbitration awards are performed freely by the parties, but this is not always the case. The performance of an arbitration award can be even more problematic, if both parties are not from the same state and it is a foreign arbitration award. The Republic of Slovenia is one of the 155 states, who signed the Convention on the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards that is certainly a very important legal act of harmonisation among the whole world, for the harmonisation of recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitration award. The New York Convention, which is referred to by Article 42 of the Arbitration Act, is also used for recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards of states, which did not sign the convention. The recognition and enforcement act is following the rules of the state, in which the recognition is required. On the assumption of non-arbitrability of the dispute and the violations against public order of the state of the recognition and enforcement act of the foreign arbitral awards the court is bound by virtue of office, but is not required to conform to them. If the court estimates that there are no obstacles, it issues the resolution of the recognition of foreign arbitration award.