Preiskovalni intervju z mladoletniki v Italiji

POVZETEK V diplomskem delu sem obravnavala, kakšno mora biti pravilno zasliševanje, da lahko preiskovalec dobi konkretne odgovore na svoja vprašanja. Osredotočila sem se na preiskovalne intervjuje v Italiji, še posebej na tiste, ki jih izvajajo na mladoletnikih. Glede na to, da so mladoletniki skupi...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Viler, Monica
Other Authors: Areh, Igor
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: M. Viler] 2016
Online Access:
Summary:POVZETEK V diplomskem delu sem obravnavala, kakšno mora biti pravilno zasliševanje, da lahko preiskovalec dobi konkretne odgovore na svoja vprašanja. Osredotočila sem se na preiskovalne intervjuje v Italiji, še posebej na tiste, ki jih izvajajo na mladoletnikih. Glede na to, da so mladoletniki skupina, ki je bolj občutljiva na odnose in načine govora, je smiselno, da policisti ne zaslišujejo sami ampak imajo ob sebi še strokovnjaka, ki se spozna na psihologijo mladoletnikov. Razdelila sem vprašalnik o načinu zasliševanja mladoletnikov na treh policijskih postajah v Italiji, in sicer v Miljah, Tržiču (Monfalcone) in Trstu. Rezultati kažejo, da se večina policistov zaveda pomanjkanja znanja na področju zasliševanja mladoletnikov, vendar vseeno preiskovalne intervjuje opravljajo sami brez prisotnosti psihologov ali drugih strokovnjakov. Zavedati se moramo, da je pri mladoletnih osebah to še toliko težje, saj na različne načine zaznavajo, se spominjajo in reproducirajo dogodke. To lahko privede do nezanesljivih in netočnih izjav, zato motamo biti še toliko bolj pazljivi. Vedno moramo upoštevati objektivne in subjektivne okoliščine, katere lahko vplivajo na pričo ali storilca kaznivega dejanja. Intervju mora torej biti čim bolj dinamičen, da pridobimo želene in točne informacije. Napačen način zasliševanja ima lahko negativne posledice za vse vpletene. Da se postopek torej izpelje pravilno so zelo pomembni: priprava, izvajanje in razložitev, račun oz. zbiranje informacij, zaprtje in povzetek zbranih informacij ter ocena in vrednotenje vseh zbranih dokazov. Na vse zadnje pa je najpomembnejša nepogrešljivost zbiranja podatkov s spoštovanjem členov zakona o kazenskem postopku. SUMMARY – THE INVESTIGATIVE INTERVIEW WITH ADOLESCENTS IN ITALY In the thesis we discussed the correct use of methods for police interrogations that lead the investigator to get solid and valid answers. I focused on the investigation interviews in Italy, especially interviews with minors. The minors are vulnerable and sensitive with respect to the quality of relationships established with investigators and the ways of interviewing. Therefore, during the police interrogation the presence of an appropriate expert (e.g. a psychologist) is highly recommended to assure that the interview is correctly performed. Police officers at three police stations in Italy – Muggia, Monfalcone, and Trieste participated in the research presented. The results show that the majority of police officers are aware of their lack of proper skills in interrogation of minors however, they perform interrogations without a help of an expert. Criminal investigators should be aware that the perception of reality in minors is quite different than in adults. Similarly, minors memorize and recall information different than the adults do. Without considering this issue, police investigators may gather unreliable and inaccurate account about a criminal event. Therefore, caution during an interview is necessary. All circumstances, objective and subjective, that may influence a witness or a offender, must be considered during the interrogation. To obtain the most accurate information an interrogation should be dynamic and adaptable to child’s needs and abilities as possible. The wrong method of interrogation can lead to negative consequences for all the involved. An interview or interrogation should start with preparation, questioning, probing, closure and summary of the collected information, and evaluation of the information gathered -all in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Act.