Stres na delovnem mestu policista na Mednarodnem mejnem prehodu Gruškovje

Način življenja, kot ga imamo danes in ki ga narekuje vsesplošni napredek, vedno bolj in pogosteje sili k približevanju skrajnim mejam človeških psihičnih zmožnosti. To povzroča obremenitev in kot tak je to pereč problem posameznika ter tudi današnje družbe. Ker pa se človek težko prilagaja naglim s...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Brence, Sašo
Other Authors: Miglič, Gozdana
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Način življenja, kot ga imamo danes in ki ga narekuje vsesplošni napredek, vedno bolj in pogosteje sili k približevanju skrajnim mejam človeških psihičnih zmožnosti. To povzroča obremenitev in kot tak je to pereč problem posameznika ter tudi današnje družbe. Ker pa se človek težko prilagaja naglim spremembam, le-te prinašajo različne odzive, večinoma kot napad na človeško telo in psihično obremenitev. To doživljamo kot stres, ki ga ljudje doživljamo različno, od človeka pa so odvisne tudi posledice in načini premagovanja stresa. Stres na delovnem mestu postaja vse večji problem tako zaposlenih, delodajalcev kot tudi družin zaposlenih. Na osnovi mnogih raziskav in tudi splošnega prepričanja velja policijsko delo za enega najbolj stresnih oziroma psihično najnevarnejših poklicev. V diplomskem delu preučujemo pojav stresa pri policistih, zaposlenih na Mednarodnem mejnem prehodu Gruškovje. Diplomska naloga je razdeljena na dva dela, in sicer smo v teoretičnem delu najprej opisali sam stres, povzročitelje stresa ter njegove posledice. Nato smo pojasnili načine in tehnike premagovanja stresa, tako na ravni posameznika kot na ravni organizacije. V nadaljevanju diplomske naloge smo se osredotočili na stresnost policijskega dela, dejavnike, posledice in načine premagovanje stresa na delovnem mestu policista. V drugem, torej raziskovalnem delu, smo na podlagi rezultatov anketnega vprašalnika preučevali pojav stresa pri opravljanju dela policistov. Ugotavljali smo, kateri so dejavniki, ki policistom povzročajo stres, kakšni so simptomi, ki se pojavljajo kot posledica stresnih situacij, in v kolikšni meri policisti sami in njihovo vodstvo skrbijo za spoprijemanje s stresom. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da ti zaposleni svoje delo zaznavajo zelo stresno, med najpogostejše dejavnike stresa pa so navajali delo v času turistične sezone, ko se število potnikov v primerjavi z ostalim delom leta bistveno poveča. Ugotovili smo, da se zaposleni stresa zavedajo, skrbijo za sprostitev, hkrati pa so mnenja, da vodstvo ne nameni dovolj pozornosti pojavu stresa med zaposlenimi. The way of life, which we have it today and it is pushed by general progress, increasingly more and oftener force to convergence utmost frontiers of human psychic abilities. This is causing strain and as such is this burning problem of an individual and also today's society. Because a person is adapting oneself to quick changes heavily, they bring different responses, mostly as the attack on the human body and psychic strain. We are experiencing this as stress, that people experience him differently upon a person also depends consequences and manners of beating of stress. Stress on work place is becoming increasingly larger problem of employees, employers and also of families of employees. Based on several studies as well as the general belief police work is one of the most stressful and psychically the most dangerous professions. In this thesis we are exploring the occurrence of stress at police officers, employed at international border crossing Gruškovje. The thesis is divided on two parts, in the theoretical part we described stress it self, stressors and their consequences. Further we explained ways and techniques of defeating stress so on level of an individual as on level of organization. Hereinafter of the thesis we focused on police work stress level, stress factors, consequences and ways of overcoming stress on police officers work place. Within other, thus research part we, by the results of the questionnaire, explored the occurrence of stress at performing of work. We seek to determine what are the factors that cause stress for police officers, what are the symptoms that occur as a result of stress, and the extent to which police officers themselves and their management are dealing with stress. Analysis of the results showed that these employees perceive their job very stressful, among the most common stress factors are cited work during the tourist season, when the number of passengers compared to the rest of the year significantly increase. We have found that employees are aware of the stress take care to relax while they believe that management does not paid sufficient attention to the phenomenon of stress among employees.