Hiter življenjski tempo sodobne družbe nas je v zadnjih letih privedel do tega, da ne najdemo kvalitetnega časa sami zase. Poslužujemo se nekvalitetne prehrane, ne najdemo časa za počitek, preplavljajo nas negativne misli in čustva. Tako doma kot na delovnem mestu se soočamo s frustracijami, roki in...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Piškur, Luka
Other Authors: Miglič, Gozdana
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2016
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=62923
Summary:Hiter življenjski tempo sodobne družbe nas je v zadnjih letih privedel do tega, da ne najdemo kvalitetnega časa sami zase. Poslužujemo se nekvalitetne prehrane, ne najdemo časa za počitek, preplavljajo nas negativne misli in čustva. Tako doma kot na delovnem mestu se soočamo s frustracijami, roki in zahtevami, za katere se večina od nas sploh ne zaveda, kako stresni so. S prepoznavanjem simptomov stresa lahko naredimo prvi korak k temu, da izboljšamo kvaliteto našega življenja. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti, kaj je stres, kako prepoznati stresne situacije in kaj le-te pravzaprav so, ter ugotoviti možne načine soočenja z njimi - kako jih obvladovati in premagati. Pogostost in intenzivnost stresnih situacij smo preučevali na področju zaščite in reševanja oziroma pri delu operaterjev na številki 112. V teoretičnem delu smo poskušali prikazati stres v delovnem okolju sodobnega človeka, kot enega izmed najbolj perečih problemov. Anketirance smo povprašali o izobrazbi, zakonskem statusu in naraščaju. Na ta način smo skušali ugotoviti, kakšno vlogo pri stresu igrajo našteti dejavniki, saj je njihova vloga pomembna - družinsko okolje je namreč zelo povezano z delovnim okoljem operaterja. Nočne izmene operaterja ne primer vplivajo na kvaliteto življenja celotne družine razumevanje celotne družine in partnerja je tako zelo pomembno za delo operaterja. Ugotovili smo, da so delavci na delovnem mestu preobremenjeni, vendar kljub temu zadovoljni z delom, ki ga opravljajo. The fast pace of life in modern society in the last couple of years has led us to the fact that we do not find enough quality time for ourselves. Unhealthy food, no time for relaxation, negative thoughts and emotions. At home and at work we are faced with frustrations, deadlines and demands and many of us are not even aware of how stressful they are. By recognizing the symptoms of stress, we can take the first steps to improving our quality of life. The goal of this diploma is to determinate what stress is, to recognize stressful situations and to identify possible ways of how to deal with them, manage them and overcome them. It will be mentioned and studied in the field of protection, preventing and rescue and particular, the emergency call center (112) and operators at work on that emergency number 112. In the theoretical part we will try to show stress in the working environment of modern man as one of the most rising issues. Surveyed were asked about the education, marital status and if they have children. This way we tried to discover, how stress is involved by these factors. In this context the role of these factors is important, because the family environment is related to the working environment of the operator. Night shifts of the operator affects the quality of life of the entire family. Understanding the working environment of the whole family or partner is therefore very important for the work of the operator. It was found that workers are overloaded at the workplace, but still satisfied with the work they do.