Boj Evropske unije zoper terorizem po napadu na Charlie Hebdo

Evropska unija se sooča s hibridno teroristično grožnjo, ki deluje na več nivojih, kakršne do sedaj še ni doživela. Grožnjo povzročajo organizirani teroristi, izurjeni s strani Islamske države kot tudi posamezniki, ki so bili radikalizirani ali pa sami simpatizirajo z ideologijo Islamske države. Od...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Knechtl, Jernej
Other Authors: Prezelj, Iztok
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: J. Knechtl] 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Evropska unija se sooča s hibridno teroristično grožnjo, ki deluje na več nivojih, kakršne do sedaj še ni doživela. Grožnjo povzročajo organizirani teroristi, izurjeni s strani Islamske države kot tudi posamezniki, ki so bili radikalizirani ali pa sami simpatizirajo z ideologijo Islamske države. Od maja 2014 do 14. julija 2016 je bilo na tleh EU izvršenih 13 islamistično motiviranih terorističnih napadov, od teh 9 v Franciji. V napadih je umrlo približno 270 oseb, več kot 900 je bilo poškodovanih. Kot odgovor na grožnjo je EU sprejela vrsto ukrepov na področjih zagotavljanja varnosti državljanov, preprečevanja radikalizacije in zaščite vrednot ter sodelovanja z mednarodnimi partnerji. Ukrepi zajemajo spremembe obstoječih ukrepov in uvedbo novih. Pomembne novosti se navezujejo na nadomestitev okvirnega sklepa sveta 2002/475/PNZ, ustanovitev Europolovega centra za boj proti terorizmu, sprejetje direktive o uporabi podatkov iz evidenc podatkov o potnikih (PNR), uvedbo Evropske mejne in obalne straže in agencije za boj proti spletni radikalizaciji EU IRU. Skozi raziskovalno vprašanje spoznamo način Evropske unije za spoprijemanje z aktualno teroristično grožnjo. V sklopu prve hipoteze ugotovimo, da sta ključna elementa grožnje fenomen tujih borcev in spremenjen »modus operandi«. Skozi drugo hipotezo smo ugotovili, da se večina ukrepov navezuje na področja zagotavljanja varnosti državljanov in področje preprečevanja radikalizacije. Zadnja hipoteza potrjuje uporabo begunskega toka za infiltracijo ekstremistov v Evropsko unijo, vendar v zajetem časovnem obdobju ni dokazov, da je prišlo do sistematičnega izkoriščanja. The European Union is facing a hybrid terrorist threat on an unprecedented scale which operates on multiple levels. The threat is caused by organized terrorists, trained by the Islamic State as well as individuals who have been radicalized or sympathize with the ideology of the Islamic State. 13 Islamist-motivated terrorist attack were carried out in the EU from May 2014 to 14th of July 2016. Nine of those were in France. About 270 people died, more than 900 were injured. As a response to the threat, restrictions and measures adopted by the EU were implemented the areas of ensuring the safety of citizens, the prevention of violent radicalisation and protection of values, and the co-operation with international partners.Important innovations are related to the replacement of the Council framework decision 2002/475/JHA, the establishment of Europol's Counter Terrorism Centre, the adoption of Passenger Name Record (PNR) directive. The introduction of the European Border and Coast Guard, and agencies to combat online radicalisation EU IRU. Through the research question we got to know the way the European Union is dealing with the current terrorist threat. The first hypothesis reveals that the key elements of the threat are the phenomenon of foreign fighters and a changed modus operandi. Through the second hypothesis, we found out that most of new measures were presented in the fields of ensuring the safety of citizens and the prevention of radicalisation. The last hypothesis confirmed the use of the refugee crisis and the flow of refugees in Europe for the purpose of the infiltration of extremists into the EU, but in the covered period there is no evidence that there has been a systematic exploitation.