Primerjava posledic uporabe strelnega orožja policistov v Sloveniji in v ZDA

V prvem delu diplomskega dela smo predstavili osnovne pojme, ki se navezujejo na obravnavano tematiko – predstavili smo prisilna sredstva, ki jih uporablja slovenska policija pri opravljanju svojih nalog pa tudi samo strelno orožje in njegovo uporabo. Prav tako smo proučili nadzor nad delom policije...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Špec, Katja
Other Authors: Krope, Srečko
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: K. Špec] 2016
Online Access:
Summary:V prvem delu diplomskega dela smo predstavili osnovne pojme, ki se navezujejo na obravnavano tematiko – predstavili smo prisilna sredstva, ki jih uporablja slovenska policija pri opravljanju svojih nalog pa tudi samo strelno orožje in njegovo uporabo. Prav tako smo proučili nadzor nad delom policije v Sloveniji, potek postopka pritožb zoper delo policistov, trenutno zakonodajo in zakonodajo, ki je bila v veljavi leta 1999 v času dogodka, ki smo ga obravnavali v nadaljevanju. Nato smo predstavili prej omenjeni dogodek, streljanje policista Mateja Bobere leta 1999 v Celju. Opisali smo potek dogodka ter sojenja, dejavnike, ki so vplivali na razvoj dogodkov in pravno podlago za ravnanje policista. V drugem delu diplomske naloge smo se osredotočili na samo uporabo strelnega orožja s strani policistov. Pri tem smo najprej preučili mednarodne usmeritve, ki naj bi jih policije upoštevale pri organiziranju njihovega dela ter pri izvajanju pooblastil in uporabi prisilnih sredstev. Opisali in predstavili smo pogostost uporabe strelnega orožja s strani policistov v Sloveniji, posledice uporabe le-tega in ukrepe, ki temu sledijo. Vse našteto smo vzporedno analizirali še za Združene države Amerike oziroma mesto New York. Na koncu smo uporabo strelnega orožja, ukrepe in posledice takšnega dejanja v obeh državah (oziroma mestih) med seboj primerjali. Pri tem smo ugotovili, da je pogostost uporabe strelnega orožja v Združenih državah Amerike višja kot pri nas, sami ukrepi in posledice pa se bistveno ne razlikujejo. Razlika je v primerjavi števila smrtnih žrtev, do katerih pride pri uporabi prisilnih sredstev oziroma pri uporabi strelnega orožja, saj je to število v Združenih državah Amerike veliko večje. In the first part of the thesis we presented basic terms that relate to the addressed topic-we presented coercive means that are used by Slovenian police while performing their tasks as well as the firearm itself and its use. We also studied supervision of the police work in Slovenia, the course of procedure of complaints against police officers and the current legislation as well as the legislation that was valid in 1999, at the time of the event that we discussed below. Then we presented aforementioned event, the shooting of a police officer, Matej Bobera, in the year of 1999, in Celje. We described the course of the event and of the trial, the factors that influenced on the development of events and legal basis for the conduct of the police officer. In the second part of the thesis, we have focused on the use of firearms by police officers. For this, we first studied the international directions that are supposed to be considered by the police when organizing their work and when exercising the powers as well as when using coercive means. Then we first described and presented the frequency of the use of firearms by police officers in Slovenia and what are the consequences of this as well as the measures that follow this, after that, we did the same for the United States of America and the New York City. In the end, we compared the use of firearms and the measures and consequences of such action in both states and in the city. For this, we found out that the frequency of the use of firearms in the United States of America is higher than in Slovenia and about measures and consequences, we found out, that they do not differ significantly, except in comparison of the number of deaths that occur in the use of coercive means and in the use of firearms. That number is again higher in the United States of America.