POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča:. O gastroezofagealni refluksni bolezni, ki je bolj resna in dolgotrajnejša oblika gastroezofagealnega refluksa, govorimo, kadar se želodčna vsebina vrača nazaj v požiralnik. Njena prevladujoča simptoma sta zgaga in regurgitacija, ki sta značilna tudi pri otrocih in lah...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Mustafi, Helson
Other Authors: Kegl, Barbara
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [H. Mustafi] 2016
Online Access:
Summary:POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča:. O gastroezofagealni refluksni bolezni, ki je bolj resna in dolgotrajnejša oblika gastroezofagealnega refluksa, govorimo, kadar se želodčna vsebina vrača nazaj v požiralnik. Njena prevladujoča simptoma sta zgaga in regurgitacija, ki sta značilna tudi pri otrocih in lahko po ustreznem zdravljenju izzvenita. Če ju ne zdravimo, lahko nastanejo okvare na sluznici požiralnika in drugje. V diplomskem delu smo opredelili gastroezofagelno refluksno bolezen pri otrocih. Opisali smo vlogo medicinske sestre pri negi otroka z gastroezofagealno refluksno boleznijo. Raziskovalna metodologija: S pomočjo analize, ki smo jo v ta namen pripravili, smo zasnovali teoretična izhodišča, pri tem pa smo si pomagali s študijem tako domače kot tuje literature in virov, raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji. Za izvedbo raziskave, smo uporabili strukturiran vprašalnik, ki smo ga oblikovali sami, in je vseboval 12 vprašanj. Odgovore anketirancev, ki smo jih pridobili iz vprašalnikov smo statistično obdelali v računalniškem programu Microsoft Excel. Rezultati: V raziskovalnem delu diplomske naloge smo predstavili rezultate, ki smo jih pridobili s pomočjo izvedene raziskave. Ti so pokazali, da več kot tretjina anketiranih staršev niti ne pozna gastroezofagealne refluksne bolezni pri otrocih, dobra polovica anketirancev pa pozna le simptome te bolezni. Zgolj dobra tretjina vseh staršev je poznala tudi možne komplikacije te bolezni pri otroku. Le pri četrtini staršev, ki so že opazili simptome gastroezofagealnega refluksa oz. gastroezofgealne refluksne bolezni, so bili pri otroku potrebni zdravstveni ukrepi, večina teh staršev je ukrepala tako, da so z otrokom obiskali zdravnika. Glede na te rezultate težko ugotavljamo, ali starši dobro poznajo vse ukrepe za lajšanje teh težav. Sklep: Gastroezofagealna refluksna bolezen pri otrocih ni pogosto dokumentirana, če pa ni pravočasno diagnosticirana in zdravljena, ima lahko posledice v odrasli dobi. Pri obravnavi otroka s to boleznijo je pomemben individualni in celostni pristop medicinske sestre, strokovna zdravstvena nega in zdravstvena vzgoja staršev. ABSTRACT Theoretical background: Gastroesophageal reflux disease is more severe and long-term form of gastroesophageal reflux that is the return of stomach contents into the esophagus. Its predominant symptoms in adults as well as in children are heartburn and regurgitation, but after appropriate treatment they could be resolved. If disease is not treated, sever defects may occur in the esophageal mucosa, and elsewhere. In this thesis, we present gastroesophageal reflux disease in children, and describe the role of nurses in the care of a child affected by gastroesophageal reflux disease. Research methodology: Research Methodology: The theoretical part of this thesis is built on the analysis of both domestic and foreign literature and other sources, the survey on the other hand was based on the quantitative methodology. The research instrument was a structured self-designed questionnaire, containing 12 questions. Data obtained from the questionnaires were statistically analyzed and illustrated using Microsoft Excel sheet. Results: The results of the survey showed that more than a third of surveyed parents are not even acquainted with gastroesophageal reflux disease in children, whereas more than a half of surveyed parents are aware of the symptoms of this disease. Only a third of all parents are aware of the possible complications of this disease in children. A mere quarter of the surveyed parents have already noticed symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux in their children, and most of these parents acted by visiting the doctor with their child. Based on these results it is difficult to determine whether parents know all measures to alleviate these problems well. Conclusion: Gastroesophageal reflux disease in children is often under-documented, and if not diagnosed and treated in due course, a child can have serious health-related consequences in the later life. When dealing with a child with this disease an individual and holistic approach of a nurse is much needed, as well as an adequate health care provision, and proper education of parents.