Obveznosti pravnih in fizičnih oseb oziroma terjatve do njih morajo seveda biti zavarovane. Ena izmed oblik zavarovanja teh obveznosti je tudi hipoteka, ki je opredeljena kot zastavna pravica na nepremičninah. Upniki iz teh poslov postanejo tako hipotekarni upniki. Ker je hipoteka neposestna zastavn...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Lapajne, Beno
Other Authors: Vrenčur, Renato
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [B. Lapajne] 2016
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=60767
Summary:Obveznosti pravnih in fizičnih oseb oziroma terjatve do njih morajo seveda biti zavarovane. Ena izmed oblik zavarovanja teh obveznosti je tudi hipoteka, ki je opredeljena kot zastavna pravica na nepremičninah. Upniki iz teh poslov postanejo tako hipotekarni upniki. Ker je hipoteka neposestna zastavna pravica, zastavitelj lahko nepremičnino nemoteno še naprej uporablja. Hipoteka lahko nastane na podlagi pravnega posla (pogodbena hipoteka), sodne odločbe (prisilna hipoteka) ali zakona (zakonita hipoteka). Poznamo tudi več posebnih vrst hipotek in sicer nadhipoteko, skupno hipoteko, maksimalno hipoteko. Poleg hipoteke, kot pravnega instituta za zavarovanje terjatev z nepremičninami, je naše pravo do nedavnega poznalo tudi institut zemljiškega dolga, ki pa je bil ukinjen zaradi velikega števila zlorab tega instituta. Hipoteka se vpiše v zemljiško knjigo z vknjižbo, sam vpis pa ima konstitutivni učinek (pogodbena in prisilna hipoteka). Deklaratorni učinek vpisa v zemljiško knjigo ima vpis zakonite hipoteke. Zakonita hipoteka nastane takrat, ko so za njen nastanek izpolnjeni zakoniti pogoji. Sama zemljiška knjiga, kot javna evidenca pravnega stanja nepremičnin, omogoča vsakemu, da se seznani s pravnim stanjem nepremičnine, ker so podatki v sami zemljiški knjigi večinoma pravilni. V primerih, ko pa podatki niso pravilni, vse vpletene varuje načelo zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo. To načelo varuje tudi dobroverne pridobitelje na nepremičninah pred obremenitvami, ki niso razvidne iz zemljiške knjige. Vendar pa so v naši državi še vedno nepremičnine, ki niso vpisane v zemljiško knjigo. Do njihovega vpisa v zemljiško knjigo, se za vprašanja zastavne pravice na teh nevpisanih nepremičninah uporabljajo določila Zakona o izvršbi in zavarovanju in sicer določila 249. do 255. člena tega zakona. To je torej še ena posebna vrsta hipoteke poleg že omenjene nadhipoteke, skupne hipoteke in maksimalne hipoteke. V skladu z načelom akcesornosti preneha zastavna pravica s prenehanjem terjatve. Vendar je v zakonu določena tudi izjema od tega načela, in sicer, da je prenehanje zavarovane terjatve zgolj pravna podlaga za izbris hipoteke iz zemljiške knjige (prenehanje v materialnem smislu). Hipoteka namreč preneha šele z izbrisom iz zemljiške knjige (prenehanje v formalnem smislu). Debts of corporate and retail costumers or claims against them have to be insured. One of the forms of insurance of these debts is also mortgage which is determined as a real estate lien. Creditors from these businesses become mortgage creditors. Mortagage is a non-possessory lien, therefore, the debtor retains possession of property and its use. Mortgage can be created based on legal business (contractual mortgage), court order (forced mortgage) or law (statutory mortgage). We are familiar also with other types of mortgages such as ¨nadhipoteka¨ (there is no translation in english language), total mortgage and the maximum mortgage. Alongside mortgage as legal institute for insurance of real estates claims, our legislation was till recently familiar also with an institute of land debt which was abolished due to widespread abuse of the institute. Mortgage is registered in the land register and the entry has a constitutive effect (contractual and forced mortgage). Declarative effect of the entry into the land register has an entry of statutory mortgage. Statutory mortgage is created when legal requirements are met. The land register as public record of the legal state of property enables anyone to familiarize themselves with the legal state of property, because data in the land register itself is mostly correct. In instances when the data is incorrect, all the people who are involved are protected by the principle of trust in the land register. This principle protects also bona fide acquirers from payload that is not shown clearly in the land register. Nonetheless, there are still real estates in our country that are not registered in the land register. Till their land registration is the question of nonregistered real estate lien determined by the Claim Enforcement and Security Act, articles from 249 to 255 of the Code. This is, therefore, another type of mortgage together with previously mentioned ¨nadhipoteka¨, total mortgage and the maximum mortgage. In line with the principle of accessoriness lien ceases with the withdrawal of the claim. However, there is an exception of this principle stated in the legislation which is that the cessation of the debt insurance is only legal ground for the deletion of the mortgage from the land register (cessation in material sense). Mortgage ceases with deletion from the land register (cessation in formal sense).