Priredbe leposlovja za otroke z motnjami sluha in govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami

V magistrskem delu z naslovom Priredbe leposlovja za otroke z motnjami sluha in govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami so obravnavane priredbe proznih literarnih besedil v laže berljive oblike, namenjene skupini oseb s posebnimi potrebami na področju sluha, govora in jezika. V prvem delu so opisane motnje in...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Vizjak, Nika
Other Authors: Haramija, Dragica
Format: Master Thesis
Published: [N. Vizjak] 2016
Online Access:
Summary:V magistrskem delu z naslovom Priredbe leposlovja za otroke z motnjami sluha in govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami so obravnavane priredbe proznih literarnih besedil v laže berljive oblike, namenjene skupini oseb s posebnimi potrebami na področju sluha, govora in jezika. V prvem delu so opisane motnje in težave, ki se osebam s temi motnjami pojavljajo pri branju literarnih besedil, ter zakonske podlage za njihovo izobraževanje. Sledi pregled v Sloveniji izdanih besedil, ki so prirejena oziroma primerna za obravnavano populacijo otrok. V sklopu študije primera so predstavljeni rezultati ankete, izvedene med učitelji, ki poučujejo slovenščino v ustanovah, ki se ukvarjajo s to populacijo. Predstavljeno je tudi nekaj internega gradiva, ki nastaja v teh ustanovah. Prav tako so opisani rezultati opazovanja učencev z motnjami sluha in z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami pri urah književnosti, ki se je izvajalo na Centru za sluh in govor Maribor. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so obstoječe priredbe dobre, vendar jih je premalo, da je v zadnjih letih izšlo veliko avtorskih besedil, namenjenih otrokom z disleksijo, da so učitelji primorani sami prirejati besedila, da se učenci na prirejena besedila bolje odzivajo ter da priredbe pozitivno vplivajo na motivacijo učencev za branje. Zato bi bilo smiselno, da se v prihodnje priredi še več besedil, ki bi ustrezala specialnodidaktičnim in literarnoestetskim kriterijem. The master thesis entitled Abridgements of literary work for children with hearing impairment and language and speech disorders discusses the abridgements of prose literary texts in more readable form, suitable for children with special needs in the field of hearing, speech and language. The first part describes the disorders and problems that people with these disorders encounter when reading literary texts, and the legal basis for their education. This is followed by an overview of texts issued in Slovenia and abridged or being suitable for the discussed population of children. Within the case study are presented the results of a survey conducted among teachers who teach Slovenian language in institutions dealing with this population. We also present some internal material produced in these institutions. Further, we describe the results of observation of pupils with hearing impairment and with speech and language disorders during Literature classes, which was conducted at the Centre for Hearing and Speech Maribor. The survey results showed that the existing abridgements are good, but are too few. The results also showed that in recent years a lot of original texts intended for children with dyslexia have been published, that teachers are forced to abridge their own texts and that pupils respond better to abridged texts as well as that abridgements have a positive impact on pupils' motivation to read. Therefore, it would be sensible that in future even more texts that would suit special-didactic and literary-aesthetic criteria are abridged.