Namen diplomske naloge je, da ugotovimo, kako natančno otroci izvajajo besedilo, melodijo in ritem pesmi, kako upoštevajo intonacijo, katero pesem z veseljem pojejo. V raziskovalni vzorec je bilo vključenih sedemnajst otrok, starih od pet do šest let. Otroci so peli Čukovo ženitev, Naša četica korak...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kosi, Renata
Other Authors: Denac, Olga
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [R. Kosi] 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Namen diplomske naloge je, da ugotovimo, kako natančno otroci izvajajo besedilo, melodijo in ritem pesmi, kako upoštevajo intonacijo, katero pesem z veseljem pojejo. V raziskovalni vzorec je bilo vključenih sedemnajst otrok, starih od pet do šest let. Otroci so peli Čukovo ženitev, Naša četica koraka in pesem, katero so si sami izbrali. Na podlagi posnetkov z diktafonom so bile pesmice ocenjene po ocenjevalni lestvici, glede na melodijo, intonacijo, ritem in besedilo. Rezultati so pokazali pomanjkljivosti izvajanja melodije, ritma in besedila pesmi. Pri pesmi katero so si otroci sami izbrali, so bili uspešnejši, predvsem pri poznavanju besedila. Večina otrok si je izbralo pesem, katero so se učili v vrtcu. The main intention of the dissertation is to research, how carefully children are executing the text, melody and the rhythm of a song, how they comply with the correct intonation, witch song are they singing happily. Seventeen children, at the age from five to six years, were engaged in the research sample. Children were singing Slovenian´s very famous songs “Čukova ženitev”, “Naša četica koraka” and a song chosen by themselves. The songs were assessed based on recordings with a dictation machine round gradation, considering melody, intonation, rhythm and text. According to the results, there are some deficiencies of executing of melody, rhythm and the text of the songs. They were more efficient at the song, chosen by themselves, especially at familiarity of the text. Mostly the children chose a song, they have learned in the kindergarten.