Tempo življenja se je v zadnjih desetih do petnajstih letih močno spremenil. Čedalje manj časa je za aktivno druženje s prijatelji in znanci. Zato so družbena omrežja postala nov način ohranjanja stikov preko spleta, hkrati pa zaradi njih postajamo čedalje bolj odtujeni, saj več ne čutimo potrebe po...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Laslo, Ksenija
Other Authors: Šabec, Nada
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [K. Laslo] 2016
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=59179
Summary:Tempo življenja se je v zadnjih desetih do petnajstih letih močno spremenil. Čedalje manj časa je za aktivno druženje s prijatelji in znanci. Zato so družbena omrežja postala nov način ohranjanja stikov preko spleta, hkrati pa zaradi njih postajamo čedalje bolj odtujeni, saj več ne čutimo potrebe po osebnem stiku. Družbena omrežja nam omogočajo hiter in neomejen dostop do informacij, ki jih tudi sami lahko komentiramo in na aktiven način sodelujemo v različnih razpravah, saj nam komunikacijska tehnologija, kot so recimo telefoni, omogočajo dostop skoraj od vsepovsod. Vendar ima ta hiter način komuniciranja tudi svoje slabosti. V nekaterih objavah namreč kar mrgoli slovničnih napak. To vidimo na Facebooku, Twitterju, YouTubu in ostalih družbenih omrežjih. Ali se ljudje napak oziroma vpliva angleščine ne zavedajo, ali pa jim za to ni mar. Možne vzroke lahko iščemo v novih načinih komuniciranja, kot so komunikacijski kanali, kjer se zaradi hitrosti pojavljajo jezikovne spremembe, kot so recimo uporaba tujk ali neupoštevanje slovničnih pravil. Pomen za tiste, ki se jezika učijo kot tujega/drugega jezika, je smiselno učenje in smotrna uporaba jezika. Namen diplomske naloge je analizirati slovnične napake, ki se pojavljajo v objavah na družbenih omrežjih , poskusiti ugotoviti vzroke zanje in tudi primerjati vrste napak v angleških objavah maternih govorcev in tistih, ki jih pišejo nematerni govorci angleščine. There have been significant changes to our pace of life in the last ten to fifteen years. There is less and less time for active socializing with friends and acquaintances, therefore, the social networks became a new and efficient way of keeping in touch with others via the internet. At the same time, we are becoming increasingly alienated, for we no longer feel the need for personal contact. Social networks provide a fast and unlimited access to information and the possibility to comment or actively participate in various discussions due to the advance of mobile technology, e.g. phones, which allow access from almost anywhere. However, there are also a few drawbacks to this fast-paced form of communication. Some publications are swarming with grammatical mistakes. This is immediately evident upon reading the published posts on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social media. Either the people do not realize the mistakes and the influence of the English language, or worse, they simply do not care. The causes behind these grammatical errors may lay in the new forms of communication, such as new communication channels, where the fast pace of communication causes an even faster linguistic change, for example the use of foreign words or the failure to comply with the grammatical rules. Students of english my benefit from the meaningful learning and rational use of the language on the Internet. The aim of this thesis is to analyse grammatical mistakes that appear on social media posts, try to identify the causes for them and compare the types of mistakes made by native speakers as opposed to those made by non-native speakers of English.