V diplomski nalogi Lutkovno-gledališke delavnice s starši je v teoretičnem delu predstavljeno kaj lutka sploh je, njen vpliv na predšolskega otroka, katere cilje dosegamo z uporabo lutk v vrtcih in vrste lutk. V nadaljevanju pa je opisano še sodelovanje vrtca oziroma strokovnih delavcev s starši. Op...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Slatinek Naglič, Zala
Other Authors: Šinko, Sabina
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [Z. Slatinek Naglič] 2016
Online Access:
Summary:V diplomski nalogi Lutkovno-gledališke delavnice s starši je v teoretičnem delu predstavljeno kaj lutka sploh je, njen vpliv na predšolskega otroka, katere cilje dosegamo z uporabo lutk v vrtcih in vrste lutk. V nadaljevanju pa je opisano še sodelovanje vrtca oziroma strokovnih delavcev s starši. Opisano je zakaj je pomembno in prav tako oblike sodelovanja. V teoretičnem delu je poudarjena lutka in njen pomen za predšolskega otroka ter sodelovanje med vrtcem in starši. V praktičnem delu pa so predstavljene lutkovno-gledališke delavnice s starši, ki smo jih izvedli v vrtcu. S pomočjo staršev smo uspeli uresničiti in realizirati cilje, ki smo jih zastavili za to nalogo. Namen te diplomske naloge je bil sodelovati s starši na način, ki ga nismo še nikoli izvedli in to pomeni, da starši sami z našo pomočjo izdelajo lutke, sceno in na koncu predstavo tudi odigrajo. In the thesis Puppet- and Theater Workshops with Parents the first theoretical part explains what a puppet is, how it influences children in the preschool age, what goals can be achieved with the use of puppets in nursery schools and different types of puppets are presented. Furthermore it is presented, how nursery schools and their professional workforce cooperate with parents. A presentation of different types of cooperation is give and an explanation on why such cooperation is important. In the theoretical part, the puppet and their importance on a preschool child including the cooperation with parents is highlighted. In the practical part, the puppet and theater workshops with parents, which were being organized in our nursery school, are presented. Together with the parents we have achieved the goals set up for this task. The intention of this thesis was to achieve a cooperation between parents in a never before seen way – this means that the parents only with our help made the puppets and scenery by themselves and later on even played the part by themselves.