Zaposleni so konkurenčna prednost podjetja, vendar samo takrat, kadar so zadovoljni in zavzeti pri svojem delu. Motiviranje zaposlenih je orodje, s katerim vodstvo podjetja dviguje ali ohranja zavzetost in (posledično) zadovoljstvo zaposlenih. Motiviranje ni edino orodje in nanj ne smemo gledati kot...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Hajdin, Diana
Other Authors: Treven, Sonja
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [D. Hajdin] 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Zaposleni so konkurenčna prednost podjetja, vendar samo takrat, kadar so zadovoljni in zavzeti pri svojem delu. Motiviranje zaposlenih je orodje, s katerim vodstvo podjetja dviguje ali ohranja zavzetost in (posledično) zadovoljstvo zaposlenih. Motiviranje ni edino orodje in nanj ne smemo gledati kot na omejeni projekt, ki se ga lotimo ob padcu zavzetosti in zadovoljstva zaposlenih. Zavzetost in zadovoljstvo moramo integrirati v vizijo ter poslanstvo podjetja. Določiti moramo vrednote podjetja, ki s prepričanji, kaj je ljudem pomembno, z načini, kako opravljajo svoje delo in kako sodelujejo, sestavljajo organizacijsko kulturo podjetja. Organizacijska kultura je predpogoj zavzetosti in delovne uspešnosti zaposlenih. Motiviranje zaposlenih je kompleksen proces, s katerim se dandanes ukvarja vedno več strokovnjakov. Zadovoljen zaposleni ni obenem tudi zavzet zaposleni, medtem ko je zavzet zaposleni lahko tudi zadovoljen. Pozornost, ki jo pridobiva zavzetost, izhaja iz dejstva, da prav z zavzetimi zaposlenimi podjetja zagotavljajo večjo delovno in s tem poslovno uspešnost. Dwight Eisenhower je dejal: »Vodenje je umetnost, pripraviti nekoga, da naredi to, kar potrebujemo, ker sam hoče.« Vodje so s svojim načinom vodenja vzrok za nezavzetost zaposlenih. Vodje morajo ubrati konstruktiven način vodenja (vodenje z zgledom in mentorski pristop). Zaposlenim morajo zagotoviti pogoje, da se bodo motivirali sami. V diplomskem delu obravnavamo podjetje, ki se ukvarja z gostinsko dejavnostjo. Prav tukaj, kjer so za uspeh ključnega pomena človeški viri, se dejavnost spopada s problematiko kadrov na več nivojih. To so neizobražen vodstveni in strokovni kader, deficitarnost in neprivlačnost ključnih poklicev (natakar in kuhar) ter visoka fluktuacija. Država k temu pripomore še z visokimi obdavčitvami dela, s slabimi izobraževalnimi sistemi strokovnega kadra in z nedefiniranjem napitnine natakarjev z davčnega vidika. Na podlagi anketnega vprašalnika smo opravili analizo zadovoljstva zaposlenih v podjetju in njihovih glavnih motivatorjev. Ugotovitve diplomskega dela so, da je najpomembnejši dejavnik za zaposlene dober odnos z nadrejenimi in s sodelavci. Zaposlene motivirajo bolj denarne kot nedenarne nagrade. Glavni motivator za obstoj v podjetju so urejeno delovno okolje in pogoji dela. Napitnina je velik motivator zadovoljstva in zavzetosti zaposlenih. Natakar bi se bil pripravljen odpovedati napitnini ob dvigu plačila za 30 % in več. Najpomembnejša nagrada za razvoj in usposabljanje zaposlenih, za napredovanje, ali usposabljanje na dodatna delovna mesta, je višji mesečni prihodek. Ob povečani obremenjenosti zaposlenih, zaradi večjega nenačrtovanega obiska gostov, je najpomembnejša organizacija dela. Večino hipotez smo z rezultati ankete potrdili. Analiza rezultatov raziskave nam je pomagala do oblikovanja smernic in napotkov za izboljšanje zadovoljstva ter zavzetosti zaposlenih v obravnavanem podjetju. Employees are company's competitive advantage, but only when they are satisfied and enthusiastic about their work. Motivating employees is a tool which is used by company's management for increasing or maintaining enthusiasm, and (consequently) employees' satisfaction. Motivating is not the only tool and cannot be seen as limited project which is only tackled in times of employees’ fall of enthusiasm and satisfaction. Enthusiasm and satisfaction must be integrated in the company's vision and mission. We must define company's values which - with beliefs of what is important to people, with ways of how they perform their work and how they cooperate - compose company's organizational structure. Organizational culture is a prerequisite for employees' enthusiasm and job performance. Motivating employees is a complex process presently tackled by more and more experts. Satisfied employee is not at the same time also enthusiastic employee, while enthusiastic employee can also be satisfied. Attention acquired by enthusiasm, originates in the fact that companies with enthusiastic employees provide higher job performance and therefore business performance. Dwight Eisenhower said: »Management is art to prepare someone to do what we need, because they want to.« Leaders with their way of leading are a cause for employees' lack of enthusiasm. Leaders must choose a constructive way of leading (leading by example and mentoring approach). They must provide conditions for employees' self-motivation. The graduation thesis deals with the company engaged in catering activity. It is here where human resources are of a key importance for success, but the activity tackles problems with human resources at various levels. These problems are uneducated management and professional staff, shortage occupation, unattractiveness of key occupations (waiter and cook), and high fluctuation. To all that, the country adds high labour taxation, poor educational systems of professional staff, and non-defining waiters' tip from taxation perspective. Based on the questionnaire, we performed analysis of employees' satisfaction in the company and their main motivators. The findings of the thesis are that the most important factor for employees is a good relationship with their superiors and co-workers. Employees are more motivated by monetary than non-monetary rewards. The main motivator for staying in the company are settled working environment and working conditions. A tip is a significant motivator for employees' satisfaction and enthusiasm. A waiter would be willing to forgo the tip in case of payments raise for 30% and more. The most important reward for development and training of employees for promotion or training for additional workplaces is a higher monthly income. Given the increased workload of employees due to the higher unplanned visit by guests, work organization is the most important. The majority of hypotheses were confirmed by the results of the survey. The analysis of the questionnaire helped us to form guidelines and directions for improvement of satisfaction and enthusiasm of the employees in the company.