V diplomski nalogi bom predstavila sodno in alternativno reševanje gospodarskih sporov. Kljub temu, da se zanimanje za alternativne načine reševanja sporov sicer povečuje, pa je njihova uspešnost še vedno premajhna. Posledica tega pa je še vedno prevelika obremenjenost sodišč. Ljudje namreč še vedno...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Fašnik, Tjaša
Other Authors: Primec, Andreja
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: T. Fašnik 2019
Online Access:
Summary:V diplomski nalogi bom predstavila sodno in alternativno reševanje gospodarskih sporov. Kljub temu, da se zanimanje za alternativne načine reševanja sporov sicer povečuje, pa je njihova uspešnost še vedno premajhna. Posledica tega pa je še vedno prevelika obremenjenost sodišč. Ljudje namreč še vedno veliko bolj zaupajo sodni poti. Razlog za slednje je mogoče iskati tudi v tem, da so ljudje premalo ozaveščeni o prednostih alternativnih načinov reševanja. Potrebnega bo še precej truda, da bo pripravljenost za mirno reševanje spora postala pravna vrednota. Spori sami po sebi namreč niso nekaj negativnega, vendar je potrebno znanje in veščine, s katerimi jih je mogoče obvladovati in reševati na, kar se le da, konstruktiven način. Še posebej je konstruktivno reševanje sporov pomembno v primeru gospodarskih sporov. Pri slednjih namreč gre za poslovno razmerje trajnejše narave. Ker vsak gospodarski subjekt na konkurenčnem trgu bije bitko z ostalimi konkurenti in je del uspeha tudi hitrost in reagiranje ob pravem trenutku je hitrost reševanja sporov bistvenega pomena, prav to pa je bistvena prednost alternativnega reševanja sporov. V diplomski nalogi bom predstavila najpogostejše oblike reševanja sporov in pri tem prikazala prednosti in slabosti posameznega. V končnem delu diplomske naloge pa bom posamezne načine reševanja sporov prikazala iz stroškovnega vidika, čeprav že na tem mestu opozarjam, da je lahko posamezen način reševanja sporov, kljub temu, da je dražji v konkretnem primeru primernejši in ugodnejši, zaradi drugih prednosti, ki lahko v konkretnem sporu odigrajo bistveno vlogo. In this thesis, I will present case resolutions through the court system as well as alternative resolutions of economic disputes. Despite the fact that interest in alternative ways of resolving disputes is increasing, their performance is still too low. As a consequence the worload of the courts is still to large. People still put a lot more trust in the courts. The reason for the latter can be sought in the fact, that people are insufficiently aware of the benefits of alternative dispute resolution. It will still take considerable effort for willingness for the peaceful settlement of a dispute to become a legal value. Disputes themselves are not something negative, but it takes the necessary knowledge and skills with which they can be managed and resolved on in costructive ways. Constructive resolution of disputes is especially important in the case of economic disputes. In the latter, namely it comes to the business relationship of a more permanent nature. Every single economic entity in a competitive market beats the battle with the other competitors. Part of the success is the speed and reacting at the right moment. The speed of dispute resolution is essential, and that is the main advantage of alternative dispute resolution. In this thesis, I will present the most common forms of dispute resolution, and show the advantages and disadvantages of each. In the final part of the thesis we will show different styles of dispute resolution from the cost point of view, although, I note that a particular way of resolving disputes, although it is more expensive in the present case, can be more appropriate and more favorable, from other advantages which could in the present dispute play a vital role.