Naslov diplomskega dela je Ustanovitev in razvoj Pihalnega orkestra Svea Zagorje. Namen dela je predstaviti zgodovino in razvoj orkestra vse do danes. Zanimali so me dejavniki, ki so vplivali na razvoj orkestra, uspehi orkestra, prisotnost družinskih vezi med godbeniki in interni običaji orkestra. O...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Troha, Maruša
Other Authors: Potočnik, Dragan
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [M. Troha] 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Naslov diplomskega dela je Ustanovitev in razvoj Pihalnega orkestra Svea Zagorje. Namen dela je predstaviti zgodovino in razvoj orkestra vse do danes. Zanimali so me dejavniki, ki so vplivali na razvoj orkestra, uspehi orkestra, prisotnost družinskih vezi med godbeniki in interni običaji orkestra. Opisala sem simbole orkestra in njihovo spreminjanje skozi leta. Predstavljena bosta notni arhiv in diskografija (plošča, kaseti in zgoščenke) orkestra. Ker sta njegov nastanek in nadaljnji razvoj tesno prepletena z rudarstvom v zagorski dolini, je bilo potrebno preučiti rudarjenje v zagorski dolini, življenje rudarjev (delavnik, stanovanja) ter razvoj kulturnih društev in umetnosti v tem času. Ugotoviti sem želela, ali je orkester največje delujoče društvo, ki je nastalo v času rudarjenja v zagorski dolini. Zanimalo me je, ali bo orkester še nekaj časa predstavljal del žive rudarske in kulturne dediščine občine. Za lažje razumevanje je opisana zgodovina občine Zagorje ob Savi, njene geografske značilnosti in kultura. Veliko informacij o rudarstvu in sami občini najdemo v mestni knjižnici, ključne podatke pa v brošurah, ki jih je izdala godba ob 110., 120. in 130. obletnici delovanja ter v arhivu Pihalnega orkestra Svea. V diplomskem delu so bile uporabljene tri raziskovalne metode: deskriptivna, zgodovinska in metoda klasifikacije. The title of my bachelor’s thesis is The establishment and the development of the Svea Zagorje brass band. The objective of the thesis is to present the history and development of the brass band to this day. I was interested in the factors that influenced the development of the brass band, its achievements, family ties between musicians as well as the internal traditions of the band. Later on I described the symbols connected to the brass band and their changes over the years. In the last part of my thesis I also introduced the musical archives and the discography (music records, tape recordings and CDs) of the band. Since its formation and further development are closely connected with the development of mining in Zagorje Valley, I examined also the coal mining industry of that area, the everyday life of miners (working hours, housing) as well as the development of cultural associations and art of that period. My aim was to find out whether the brass band was the largest functioning association in Zagorje in the period of mining. I also wanted to determine, if the band will continue on representing a part of the living mining and cultural heritage of the municipality. For better understanding the thesis describes the history of Zagorje ob Savi, its geographic characteristics and culture. Much of the information about coal mining and the municipality of Zagorje are kept in the city library and the key information can be found in the booklets issued at the 110th, 120th and 130th anniversary of the brass band and in its personal archives. The different research methods, used in the thesis, were: descriptive, historical and classification method.