Diplomsko delo z naslovom Kompetentnost staršev za starševsko vlogo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene različne teme, vezane na kompetentnost staršev za starševsko vlogo, ki so podkrepljene z ustrezno strokovno literaturo. Podrobno so opredeljeni...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Križan, Iris
Other Authors: Hmelak, Maja
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [I. Križan] 2016
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=58076
Summary:Diplomsko delo z naslovom Kompetentnost staršev za starševsko vlogo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene različne teme, vezane na kompetentnost staršev za starševsko vlogo, ki so podkrepljene z ustrezno strokovno literaturo. Podrobno so opredeljeni pojem družina in njene oblike danes. Opisani so vzgojni stili, ki so podani glede na različne avtorje. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene nove paradigme zgodnjega otroštva. Podrobno je opisano, kakšen bi moral biti kompetenten starš in katere so lastnosti, ki ga oblikujejo. Prav tako je opisan vpliv, ki ga ima starš na otroka, ter razlike med materjo in očetom pri vplivu na otroka. Predstavljeni so naslednji pojmi: kompetentnost, oblikovanje samopodobe, družbene, vloge, perspektive in identitete. Prikazan je vpliv, ki ga ima pedagoška izobraženost na starša, in kakšen je kompetenten otrok. V empiričnem delu diplomske naloge je raziskana kompetentnost staršev za starševsko vlogo s pomočjo ocenitve vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok in samoocenitve staršev. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 84 vzgojiteljev in 80 staršev s področja Ptuja, Maribora, Slovenj Gradca in Murske Sobote. Podatki so zbrani s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika in obdelani s pomočjo statističnega programa SSPS. Zastavljene so štiri hipoteze na osnovi raziskovalnih vprašanj. Prva hipoteza je zavrnjena. Vzgojitelji vidijo starše manj kompetentne kot oni sami. Tudi hipoteza 2 je zavrnjena, kar kaže na to, da izobrazba ne vpliva na kompetentnost starša. Hipoteza 3 ni v celoti zavrnjena, rezultati kažejo na to, da vrstni red otroka v določenih trditvah vpliva na kompetentnost otrok. Starši prvorojenca se čutijo v določenih trditvah manj kompetentni. Tudi hipoteza 4 je delno zavrnjena. V nekaterih trditvah so očetje manj kompetentni kot matere. Raziskava je pokazala, da spol in starost otroka ter izobrazba starša ne vplivajo na kompetentnost starša za starševsko vlogo. Razlike so v oceni trditev vzgojiteljev glede na delovno dobo. Vzgojitelji z delovno dobo 16 let ali več vidijo starše manj kompetentne. The graduation thesis titled Competency of Parents for the Parental Role is made up of the theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part presents various topics linked to the competency of parents for the parenting role which are reinforced with relevant expert literature. It specifies the concept of family in detail and presents new forms of families of today. It describes educational styles defined according to various authors. The theoretical part also acquaints the reader about the new paradigm of early childhood. It features a detailed description of the characteristics of a competent parent and the properties which shape such a parent. It describes the influence individuals have on the child and the differences between mothers and fathers in the influence they have on the child. It features the presentation of concepts: competency, formation of self-image, the role of society, perspectives and identity. The influence of pedagogic education on the parent is presented along with the competent child. The empirical part explores the competency of parents for the parenting role with the help of evaluations of kindergarten teachers and self-evaluations of parents. 84 kindergarten teachers and 80 parents from the areas of Ptuj, Maribor, Slovenj Gradec and Murska Sobota took part in the survey. The data was gathered with a questionnaire and processed with the help of the statistical programme SSPS. Four hypotheses were formed on the grounds of questionnaires. The 1st hypothesis was rejected. The kindergarten teachers see parents as less competent as they themselves. The 2nd hypothesis was also rejected which shows that education does not influence the competency of a parent. The 3rd hypothesis was not entirely rejected which shows that the order of children in certain statements does influence the competency of children. The parents of adopted children feel less competent in certain statements. The 4th hypothesis was also partially rejected. In some statements fathers are less competent than mothers. The research has shown that the sex and age of the child as well as the education of the parents do not influence the competency for the parenting role. There are differences in rating the statements of educators regarding working life. Educators with a working life of 16 years or more see parents as less competent.