Stres na delovnem mestu v podjetju TE-CO d.o.o.

S stresom se dandanes srečujemo pogosto in povsod, bodisi v delovnem okolju na delovnem mestu bodisi izven delovnega mesta, doma, v krogu družine. Večina posameznikov in podjetji se še ne zaveda problematike stresa, ne zavedajo se niti posledic stresa za posameznika in podjetje. Posledično tudi posv...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Močnik, Barbara
Other Authors: Ovsenik, Marija
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2016
Online Access:
Summary:S stresom se dandanes srečujemo pogosto in povsod, bodisi v delovnem okolju na delovnem mestu bodisi izven delovnega mesta, doma, v krogu družine. Večina posameznikov in podjetji se še ne zaveda problematike stresa, ne zavedajo se niti posledic stresa za posameznika in podjetje. Posledično tudi posvečajo premalo pozornosti odpravljanju in preprečevanju stresa. Posledice stresa se kažejo različno, odvisno od posameznika, koliko je dovzeten za stres in v kakšnem psihofizičnem stanju je posameznik. Pogosto se stres pokaže z različnimi boleznimi, zato je zelo pomembno, da posrbimo zase in za svoje zdravje. Stres lahko ublažimo ali pa se mu celo izognemo z redno telesno aktivnostjo, meditacijo, jogo in drugimi oblikami sprostitve, saj hkrati skrbimo za svoje psihično in fizično kondicijo in posledično tudi za svoje zdravje. Za temo diplomske naloge smo se odločili na podlagi svojih izkušenj s problematiko stresa. Namen in cilj diplomske naloge je prikazati problematiko stresa, se še dodatno poučiti o problematiki stresa v podjetju TE-CO d.o.o. in na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov raziskave narediti načrt, kako se s problematiko stresa soočiti in kako odpraviti posledice stresa pri zaposlenih. Ugotovili smo, da zelo veliko lahko pripomoremo že sami, če si razporedimo čas med delom in prostim časom, da si vzamemo dovolj časa zase in družino, prijatelje, hobije in telesno aktivnost, s katero tudi pripomoremo k odpravljanju stresa ali ga vsaj omilimo. V podjetju bi kot rešitev za zmanjšanje stresa postavili jasno delitev dela, sprotno reševanje nesoglasij in izboljšanje komunikacije med zaposlenimi. V praksi se je za pozitivni učinek pokazal tudi »team building«, s katerim spodbujamo boljšo komunikacijo in sodelovanje med zaposlenimi. Nowadays we encounter stress often and everywhere, both at the workplace in the work environment and outside the workplace at home. Majority of people and companies are not yet aware of the problem of stress, nor of the effects the stress has on an individual and a company. Consequently, there is a lack of attention devoted to the elimination and prevention of stress. The consequences of stress are reflected differently depending on how much an individual is susceptible to stress and what is their psychophysical state. Often stress manifests itself through various diseases. Hence it is very important to take care of oneselve and our health. Stress can be mitigated or even avoided by regular exercise, meditation, yoga and other forms of release, as all these contrbutes to our mental and physical condition as well as our health. I have decided to research this issue on the basis of my own experiences with stress. The purpose of this thesis is to show the phenomenon of stress, and to provide further information on the issue of stress in the company TE-CO. On the basis of the results of the survey we have prepared an action plan how to cope with the problem of stress and how to eliminate the consequences of stress in employees. We found out that a lot can be done on an individual level by managing time between work and leisure time, by taking enough time for oneself and family, friends, hobbies, and physical activities, which also contribute to the elimination of stress or at least limits its effects. In the company the solution to reduce stress is linked with a clear division of labor, promptly resolved differences and improved communication among employees. In practice "team building" has also shown positive effects as it encourages better communication and collaboration among employees.