Diplomsko nalogo PROJEKTNI TEDEN V 3. RAZREDU – BOŽIČ sestavljata dva dela – teoretični in praktični. Teoretični del sestavljajo štirje sklopi, in sicer sociološki sklop (v njem so opisani prazniki in njihov pomen, poseben poudarek je na božiču), psihološki sklop (v njem so opisane razvojne in psiho...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Tikvič, Jasmina
Other Authors: Rajšp, Martina
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [J. Tikvič] 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Diplomsko nalogo PROJEKTNI TEDEN V 3. RAZREDU – BOŽIČ sestavljata dva dela – teoretični in praktični. Teoretični del sestavljajo štirje sklopi, in sicer sociološki sklop (v njem so opisani prazniki in njihov pomen, poseben poudarek je na božiču), psihološki sklop (v njem so opisane razvojne in psihofizične lastnosti osemletnikov), geografski sklop (v njem je predstavljeno mesto Ptuj) ter didaktični sklop (v njem je predstavljen predmet spoznavanje okolja, izkustveno učenje ter izpostavljene glavne značilnosti projektnega dela). V praktičnem delu diplomske naloge je predstavljen projektni teden BOŽIČ KOT NEKOČ, ki je bil izpeljan v tretjem razredu osnovne šole. Po narejenem ugotavljamo, da imajo učenci, vključeni v projektno delo, večjo notranjo motivacijo za delo in končni cilj, ki ga sami določijo, ter da projektno delo temelji predvsem na integriranem pouku in lahko nastane načrtovano ali spontano ob nastanku trenutnega problema. Graduation thesis PROJECT WEEK IN THE 3RD GRADE – CHRISTMAS is composed of two parts – theoretical and practical. The theoretical part consists of four sections, that is, the sociological section (it describes the festive days and their meaning with special emphasis on christmas), pshycological section (it describes the development and pshycopshysical features of 8-year olds), geografical section (representing the city of Ptuj) and didactical section (it introduces the subject of the environmental studies, experiental learning and the main exposed features of project work). The practical part of the thesis presents the project week CHRISTMAS AS IT ONCE WAS, which was executed in the 3rd grade of an elementary school. Based on the results, we can conclude that the students, included in the project week, had a greater inner motivation for work and the final aim, which was determined by themselves, and moreover, the project work is based primarily on integrated teaching and it can occur as a planned activity or spontaneously as the current problems appear.