Odnos katoliške cerkve do neoliberalnih ekonomskih pogledov in praks

Diplomska naloga obravnava odnos rimskokatoliške cerkve do neoliberalnih ekonomskih idej in praks. Proučuje vpliv religije na ekonomijo, pri čemer izhaja predvsem iz ideje Maxa Webra, da ima religija lahko pomemben vpliv na ekonomsko področje. Gre za teoretično naravnano nalogo, v kateri so osrednji...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Zajc, Iris
Other Authors: Lavrič, Miran
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [I. Zajc] 2016
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=57691
Summary:Diplomska naloga obravnava odnos rimskokatoliške cerkve do neoliberalnih ekonomskih idej in praks. Proučuje vpliv religije na ekonomijo, pri čemer izhaja predvsem iz ideje Maxa Webra, da ima religija lahko pomemben vpliv na ekonomsko področje. Gre za teoretično naravnano nalogo, v kateri so osrednji vir podatkov predstavljale papeške socialne okrožnice, saj načela katoliškega družbenega nauka določajo, širijo in oznanjajo predvsem papeži. Diplomska naloga se tako osredotoča na zadnje tri papeže, in sicer na papeža Janeza Pavla II., Benedikta XVI. in Frančiška, ter izpostavlja njihov odnos do prevladujočega gospodarskega sistema. Tukaj opozori na preveliko splošnost papeških predlogov v smeri izboljšanja položaja množic, hkrati pa opozarja tudi na problem učinkovitosti cerkvenega nauka, saj se nemalokrat zgodi, da posamezni predstavniki cerkve niti sami ne spoštujejo njegovih načel. Ob tem izpostavlja različne cerkvene finančne škandale, ki nakazujejo na dvojna načela rimskokatoliške cerkve. Predvsem se osredotoča na načelo solidarnosti in proučuje možnost, da skuša cerkev preko dobrodelnosti pravzaprav ohraniti svojo moč in avtoriteto. Zato izrazi dvom v iskrenost prizadevanj cerkve za odpravo revščine in nakaže možnost, da so visoke stopnje družbenih neenakosti in revščine celo v interesu cerkve. The thesis deals with the attitude of the Roman Catholic Church to neoliberal economic ideas and practices. It examines the impact of religion on the economy, drawing mainly from Max Weber's idea that religion can have a significant impact on the economic sphere. This thesis is theoretically oriented, with papal social circulars representing the central source of data, since the principles of Catholic social teachings are defined, spread and preached mainly by the popes. The thesis also focuses on the last three popes, that is on Pope John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis, and exposes their relationship to the dominant economic system. It highlights the excessive generality of papal proposals aimed at improving the situation of the masses, and also points to the problem of the effectiveness of the Church's teachings, since it often happens that even the individual representatives of the Church do not respect its principles. At the same time it highlights various Church financial scandals that point to the double standards of the Roman Catholic Church. The thesis in particular focuses on the principle of solidarity and examines the possibility that the Church is actually trying to maintain its power and authority through charity. Therefore, it expresses doubts about the sincerity of the efforts of the Church to eradicate poverty and indicates the possibility that high levels of social inequality and poverty are actually in the interest of the Church.