Teoretična izhodišča: Depresija je povsod po svetu najpogostejša motnja, ki se ne pojavlja samo pri starejši populaciji, ampak tudi pri otrocih in mladostnikih. Depresija ima velik vpliv na kakovost življenja posameznika in opravljanje vsakodnevnih aktivnostih, saj jih otežuje ali celo onemogoča. Po...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Temlin, Nives
Other Authors: Kegl, Barbara
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [N. Temlin] 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Teoretična izhodišča: Depresija je povsod po svetu najpogostejša motnja, ki se ne pojavlja samo pri starejši populaciji, ampak tudi pri otrocih in mladostnikih. Depresija ima velik vpliv na kakovost življenja posameznika in opravljanje vsakodnevnih aktivnostih, saj jih otežuje ali celo onemogoča. Povzroči lahko hude posledice in privede mladostnike tudi do poskusa samomorov. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti depresijo med mladostniki, vlogo medicinske sestre ter ugotoviti prisotnost depresije med mladostniki. Metodologija raziskovanja: Za teoretičen del smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. V raziskovalnem delu smo uporabili kvalitativno metodo dela. Kot raziskovalni instrument smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da večina mladostnikov pozna depresijo in njene simptome. Kar 82 % mladostnikov ve, da je depresija ena izmed najpogostejših duševnih motenj in zajema precej več kot le občutek žalosti. 95 % mladostnikov svoje težave zaupa drugim. Sklep: V Sloveniji in drugod po svetu depresivnost med mladostniki zelo narašča. Zavedati se moramo, da je preventivno zdravljenje depresije izrednega pomena, saj s tem zmanjšamo pojavnost depresije in hkrati zmanjšamo število samomorov pri nas in drugod po svetu. Mladostniki si lahko v prvi vrsti pomagajo sami, tako da svoje stiske zaupajo družini ali prijateljem oziroma poiščejo pomoč pri osebnem zdravniku, pedagogu ali socialnem delavcu. Theoretical hypotheses: Depression is one of the most common disorders in the world that not only afflicts adult populations but also children and adolescents. Depression has a big influence on the quality of life and everyday situations since it impairs them or makes them more difficult to perform. Depression can cause serious consequences and can lead adolescents to attempt suicide. The main objective of my work is to present adolescent depression, the role of the nursing staff and to identify the presence of adolescent depression. Methodology: For the theoretical part a descriptive method has been used. Qualitative methods have been used in the research part of this work. The research instrument used here is a survey. Results: The survey results show that most adolescents are aware of depression and its symptoms. As much as 82% of adolescents know that depression is one of the most common mental issues and can manifest itself in more than just basic feeling of sadness. As much as 95% of adolescents turn to others when it comes to their issues. Conclusion: Adolescent depression is on a rise in Slovenia and other countries around the world. We need to realize that preventive measures in treating depression are very important because this lowers the depression emergence and suicide rates in Slovenia and other countries. Adolescents can mainly help themselves by turning to their family members, friends or if they seek help from their personal physician, a teacher or a social worker.