Vpliv astme na življenjske aktivnosti pacientke z astmo

Izhodišča. Astma je pogosta bolezen, ki je razširjena med ljudmi različnih starostnih skupin. Je spremenljiva bolezen, ki lahko ogroža življenje. Zaradi astme morajo pacienti spremeniti svoj način življenja, saj vpliva na fizično ter psihično počutje. Namen. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti ast...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Grilč, Sanja
Other Authors: Dobnik, Mojca
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: S. Grilč 2017
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=57557
Summary:Izhodišča. Astma je pogosta bolezen, ki je razširjena med ljudmi različnih starostnih skupin. Je spremenljiva bolezen, ki lahko ogroža življenje. Zaradi astme morajo pacienti spremeniti svoj način življenja, saj vpliva na fizično ter psihično počutje. Namen. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti astmo kot bolezen, ki se v današnjem času vedno pogosteje pojavlja. S pomočjo študije primera želimo ugotoviti negovalne diagnoze pacientke z astmo, ter ugotoviti kako bolezen vpliva na njene življenjske aktivnosti. Namen je tudi ugotoviti kakšno znanje ima pacientka o svoji bolezni, ter kako se z njo spopada. Raziskovalna metodologija. Podatke za izdelavo diplomske naloge smo pridobili iz domače in tuje strokovne literature ter elektronskih virov. Izvedli smo študijo primera pacientke z astmo, v kateri smo ugotavljali vpliv astme na življenjske aktivnosti in kvaliteto življenja. S pomočjo vprašalnika in njene medicinske dokumentacije smo si pridobili vse potrebne podatke. Rezultati. S pomočjo študije primera pacientke z astmo smo ugotovili, da ima astma velik vpliv na življenjske aktivnosti pacientke, saj je potrebno veliko stvari spremeniti, da se doseže želena kvaliteta življenja. Astma ima največji vpliv na dihanje ter rekreacijo pacientke, prav tako pa se mora pacientka izogibati škodljivim vplivom okolja. Pacientka je zadovoljivo poučena o zdravljenju astme. Pozna veliko informacij o astmi in je zelo odprta za nasvete. Družina ima veliko vlogo pri premagovanju pacientkine bolezni, saj jo spodbuja in spremlja na poti zdravega življenjskega sloga. Sklep. Astma ima velik vpliv na kvaliteto pacientkinega življenja. Pacienti z astmo morajo biti poučeni o škodljivih zunanjih vplivih na bolezen, da se jim sami skušajo izogibati ter o zdravljenju. Veliko vlogo imata zdravnik in medicinska sestra, ki morata pacientom svetovati glede zdravljenja bolezni, ter pomagati doseči čim boljšo kvaliteto življenja. Pacienti z astmo potrebujejo podporo družine, saj se tako lažje spopadajo z boleznijo. Background. Asthma is a common disease, that is prevalent among people of different age groups. It is variable disease that can be life-threatening. Patients have to change their lifestyle because of asthma. Asthma affects the physical and psychological area of the patients life. Aim. The aim of the diploma thesis is to present asthma as a disease that is more and more common nowadays. With the help of case studies we wanted to identify nursing diagnoses in an asthma patient, as well as to determine how the disease affects patient's life activities. The purpose is also to determine the knowledge the patient has about her illness and how the patient copes with it. Research methodology. Data for the thesis was obtained from medical literature and electronic sources. We conducted a case study of a patient with asthma in which we established the influence of asthma on patient's life activities and quality of life. With the help of a questionnaire and her medical documents we have obtained all the necessary information. Results. With the help of the case study of a patient with asthma we found out that asthma has a large impact on patient's life activities, because it takes a lot of things to change to achieve a desired quality of life. Asthma has the greatest impact on breathing and recreational way of life patients who must avoid adverse environmental factors. The patient is sufficiently informed about the treatment of asthma. She knows a lot about asthma and she is very open to advice. Family plays a major role in overcoming the obstacles of patient's disease, as it promotes and monitors on the path of healthy lifestyle. Conclusion. Asthma has a significant impact on quality of patient's life. Patients with asthma should be informed about their treatment and adverse external influences on the disease that they are trying to avoid. The treating doctor and nurse should advise patients on the treatment of diseases and help the patient achieve the best possible quality of life. Patients with asthma need the support of family in order to help cope with the disease.