Teoretično izhodišče: V magistrskem delu smo predstavili in raziskali zadovoljstvo, informiranost in motivacijo v timu zdravstvene nege urgentnega centra ene izmed bolnišnic. Metodologija raziskovanja: Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna metodologija raziskovanja. Uporabili smo anketni vprašalnik, ki...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Golež, Miroslava
Other Authors: Kovač, Jurij
Format: Master Thesis
Published: [M. Golež] 2016
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=55552
Summary:Teoretično izhodišče: V magistrskem delu smo predstavili in raziskali zadovoljstvo, informiranost in motivacijo v timu zdravstvene nege urgentnega centra ene izmed bolnišnic. Metodologija raziskovanja: Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna metodologija raziskovanja. Uporabili smo anketni vprašalnik, ki je vseboval trditve, do katerih so se anketiranci morali opredeliti na petstopenjski lestvici. Raziskavo smo izvedli med člani tima zdravstvene nege v urgentnem centru. Rezultate raziskave smo obdelali s Microsoft Office 2012, Microsoft Office Excel 2012 ter IBM SPSS Statistics 22. Rezultati raziskave: Ugotovili smo, da zaradi timskega dela postanejo zaposleni bolj komunikativni in lažje pokažejo svoje znanje (p = 0,00). Delovanje tima je najboljše, če člani tima sami izberejo vodjo tima (p = 0,00). Zaposleni v timu si upamo odkrito povedati svoje mnenje (p = 0,00). Denarne nagrade in materialne dobrine so najboljši motivator (p = 0,00). Do konfliktov prihaja vedno zaradi istih članov v našem timu (p = 0,00). Diskusija in sklep: Timsko delo v zdravstvu je zelo pomembno, saj se pri obravnavi pacienta prepleta zelo veliko timov. Delo v urgentnem centru zahteva strokovnost, natančnost, hitrost, komunikacijo. Pri timih, ki ne sodelujejo oz. niso usklajeni, prihaja do konfliktov, kar najbolj občutijo pacienti. Raziskava je pokazala, da so zaposleni zadovoljni s timskim delom in komunikacijo. Prav tako v timu ponavadi vedno prihaja do konfliktov zaradi istih ljudi. Theoretical basis: In this master’s thesis we presented and researched the satisfaction, the state of being informed and the motivation in the nursing team of the emergency unit in one of the hospitals. Research methodology: We used the quantity methodology of research. We used a questionnaire which contained statements and the interviewees had to rank their answers on a five-grade scale. The research was carried out among the nursing team members in an emergency unit. The results were handled with Microsoft Office 2012, Microsoft Office Excel 2012, and IBM SPSS Statistics 22. The results: We found out that team work makes employees more communicative and encourages them to show their knowledge (p = 0,00). Working in a team is best when team members get to choose their own leader (p = 0,00). The employees are not afraid to share their opinions openly inside the team. (p = 0,00). Money and material goods are the best motivators (p = 0,00). The same people are always to blame for conflicts inside the team (p = 0,00). Discussion and decisions: Team work in medical service is extremely important because many teams intertwine when handling patients. Work in an emergency unit demands professionalism, accuracy, speed, communication. Conflicts arise in teams that do not cooperate or are uncoordinated and the patients are the ones who feel it the most. The research showed that the employees are satisfied with their team work and communication. The same people are always to blame for conflicts inside the team.