Na trgu je začutiti potrebo po razvoju in uporabi novih načinov razmišljanja pri izboljševanju načina delovanja podjetij. Iz tega razloga podjetja optimizirajo svoje poslovanje, saj se edino tako lahko prilagajajo hitrim in radikalnim spremembam na trgu ter ostajajo konkurenčna. Brez ustreznega sist...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Jurenec, Spomenka
Other Authors: Sternad Zabukovšek, Simona
Format: Master Thesis
Published: [S. Jurenec] 2015
Online Access:
Summary:Na trgu je začutiti potrebo po razvoju in uporabi novih načinov razmišljanja pri izboljševanju načina delovanja podjetij. Iz tega razloga podjetja optimizirajo svoje poslovanje, saj se edino tako lahko prilagajajo hitrim in radikalnim spremembam na trgu ter ostajajo konkurenčna. Brez ustreznega sistema, ki bi podjetjem omogočal obvladovanje dokumentov lahko hitro naletijo na neurejene in nenadzorovane dokumente. Pri zaposlenih se tako čedalje bolj porajajo vprašanja o lokaciji dokumenta, o pravilnemu imenu pod katerim je dokument shranjen, kdo je zadnji z njim upravaljal, kolikšno število različic obstaja ter katera je končna različica dokumenta. Tukaj lahko navedemo tudi problem, ki je pri poslovanju z dokumenti dokaj pogost, in sicer pravice dostopa do posameznih dokumentov bodisi pravice do branja bodisi za možnost spreminjanja dokumenta. Ustrezen dokumentni sistem odpravlja takšne težave ter hkrati omogoča ustrezno varnost, dostopnost in razpoložljivost dokumentov v vsakem času, vsem zaposlenim. Informacijska tehnologija (v nadaljevanju IT) sama po sebi ne more spremeniti poslovnih procesov, lahko pa veliko pripomore pri njihovi optimizaciji in je močen vir za spremembo. Pred prenovo poslovnih procesov si moramo izbrati le tiste procese, ki so kandidati za prenovo, saj se prenove poslovnih procesov moramo lotiti sistematično. V magistrski nalogi smo se prenove poslovnih procesov lotili pri sami dokumentaciji, in sicer tako, da smo s pomočjo uvedbe IT-ja oz. DMS rešitve v podjetju optimizirali potek dokumentacije. Določanje in izbiranje procesov za prenovo je pomemben predpogoj za obravnavo sprememb v podjetju. Brez poudarka in opredelitve kritičnih procesov, ki ovirajo nemoten potek dela, bi bili viri in vreme zaman porabljeni. Še posebej v zgodnji fazi prenove procesov je pomembno, da podjetje dokaže nekaj uspehov. To lahko stori edino, če izbere procese, ki so kritični za prenovo, saj s pomočjo prenove lahko pokaže učinkovitejše in preprostješe delovanje. Ustrezno uvedena DMS rešitev lahko korenito spremeni način dela, saj pomaga pri nemotenem delovanju poslovnih procesov. Prav tako pospešuje hitrost številnih delovnih aktivnosti in hkrati zmanjšuje potrebo po človeški delovni sili. Za srednje velika in velika podjetja v katerih se dnevno obrne deset ali več sto tisoč dokumentov je uporaba dokumentnega sistema, ki jim pomaga pri tovrstnem organiziranju in nadzoru dokumentov je vsekakor nuja. Veliko manjših podjetij pa za to rešitev ne vidijo potrebe. Menijo, da z dobro premišljeno strukturo podjetja imajo lahko ustrezen dostop in nadzor nad njihovimi dokumenti. Trdijo, da dodane funkcionalnosti, ki jih omogočajo DMS rešitve niso vredne stroškov nakupa dodatne strojne in programske opreme in usposabljanja zaposlenih. It is obvious that in a market we are now we have to adapt to the new ways of thinking in improving the way businesses operate. For this reason, companies optimize their business, because only in this way they can adapt to the rapid and radical changes in the market and remain competitive. Without adequate system that would enable companies to manage documents they may quickly encounter random and uncontrolled documents. Employees are also raising questions about the location of the document where the document is saved, who last managed the document, how many variations there are and what the final version of the document is. The problem when dealing with documents, that is fairly common, is also how to delegate who can manage the documents and to which extent An appropriate document management system eliminates such problems while allowing adequate safety, accessibility and availability of documents at any time to all employees. Information Technology (hereinafter referred to as IT) by itself cannot change the business processes, but it can help a lot in their optimization and is a powerful source for change. Prior to the renovation of business processes (BPR), we should choose only those processes that are candidates for restoration, since BPR needs to be tackled systematically. In the thesis, we started to use BPR with our own documentation, and through the introduction of IT-ja and. DMS solutions in the enterprise to optimize the course of documentation processes. Determination and selection of processes for the renewal is an important prerequisite for dealing with changes in the company. Without focus and definition of critical processes that impede with the work, the time spent and resources used would be wasted. Especially in the early stage of the reform process, it is important that the company can demonstrate some success. This can be done only if you select the processes that are critical for the renovation, because through renovation can be demonstrated effectiveness and simplicity of operations. Properly implemented DMS solution can radically change the way people work, it helps to improve the functionality of business processes. It also accelerates the speed of numerous work activities and at the same time reduce the need for human labor. For medium to large companies in which daily use tens or hundreds of thousands of documents, the use of document management system is crucial. It helps them to organize and control the documents. Many smaller companies do not see the need for that kind of document management systems. They believe that with well thought-out structure of the company they can have adequate access and control over their documents and claim that the added functionality offered by DMS solutions are not worth the cost of purchasing additional hardware and software and staff training.