V diplomski nalogi bomo predstavili kompetence, ki so pomembne za vsakdanje življenje ter kompetence, ki nam pomagajo, da smo uspešni podjetniki. Kompetence so lastnosti in značilnosti vsakega posameznika, ki mu omogočajo, da se sooči s problemi, ter da svoje delo opravi dobro in uspešno. Še posebej...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Zagernik, Sara
Other Authors: Šprajc, Polona
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2015
Online Access:
Summary:V diplomski nalogi bomo predstavili kompetence, ki so pomembne za vsakdanje življenje ter kompetence, ki nam pomagajo, da smo uspešni podjetniki. Kompetence so lastnosti in značilnosti vsakega posameznika, ki mu omogočajo, da se sooči s problemi, ter da svoje delo opravi dobro in uspešno. Še posebej so pomembne, ko se odločimo, da bomo nekaj sami ustvarili. Kompetence pomagajo pri uspešnem vodenju podjetij in pri uresničevanju podjetniških sanj. Podjetništvo se pogosto omenja kot sredstvo izhoda iz krize, saj neposredno vpliva na zmanjšanje brezposelnosti in na gospodarsko rast. Vsem naj bi bilo enako dostopno, vendar kljub poudarjanju enakosti med spoloma vseeno opažamo, da v podjetništvu prevladujejo moški, delež žensk pa je še zmeraj razmeroma nizek. V diplomski nalogi bomo ugotavljali, kakšen je pomen ženskega podjetništva in katere so značilnosti slovenskih podjetnic. Naloga bo prispevala k temu, da spoznamo kompetence, ki jih potrebujemo za vstop v žensko podjetništvo ter da se ženske opogumijo in se v prihodnosti začnejo bolj vključevati v sfero podjetništva. Rezultati naloge bodo temeljili na odgovorih uspešnih slovenskih podjetnic. In this thesis, we will present the competencies that are important for everyday life and those competencies that are necessary for being a successful entrepreneur. Competencies are the properties and characteristics of each individual that enable us to cope with problems, and to finish work well and successfully. Competencies are particularly important, when we decide to create something ourselves. They help women to successfully run businesses and fulfill their entrepreneurial dream. Entrepreneurship is often mentioned as a mean of overcoming crisis, as it has a direct impact on the reduction of unemployment and economic growth. Entrepreneurship should be equally accessible to all, but despite the gender equality, we note that in the male-dominated business environment, the proportion of women entrepreneurs is still relatively low. In the thesis we will determine the meaning of female entrepreneurship and the characteristics of Slovenian entrepreneurs. The paper will contribute to the realization of the competencies needed to enter into the female entrepreneurship and to encourage females to be more involved in the sphere of entrepreneurship. The results will be based on the responses of successful Slovenian female entrepreneurs.