V diplomskem delu smo v teoretičnem delu s pomočjo literature predstavili stres. Diplomsko delo ima tri poglavja. V prvem poglavju so predstavljene različne definicije stresa, ki jih podajajo različni avtorji, delitev stresa, njegovi simptomi in faze stresa. Nato so našteti vzroki oziroma povzročite...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Podpečan, Irena
Other Authors: Hmelak, Maja
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [I. Podpečan] 2015
Online Access:
Summary:V diplomskem delu smo v teoretičnem delu s pomočjo literature predstavili stres. Diplomsko delo ima tri poglavja. V prvem poglavju so predstavljene različne definicije stresa, ki jih podajajo različni avtorji, delitev stresa, njegovi simptomi in faze stresa. Nato so našteti vzroki oziroma povzročitelji stresa ter njihova razlaga oziroma opis. Ob koncu smo se osredotočili še na stres na delovnem mestu, še posebej pri poklicu vzgojitelja in pomočnika vzgojitelja. Opisali smo vzgojitelja kot poklicni lik ter raziskali morebitne stresne dogodke pri njegovem delu. Sledi poglavje o strategijah za obvladovanju stresa, kar je pri opravljanju tega poklica zelo pomembno. Empirični del temelji na raziskavi o zaznavanju stresa pri vzgojiteljicah in pomočnicah vzgojiteljic, ki so zaposlene v nekaterih vrtcih na območju Celja. Preverimo, katere situacije pri vzgojiteljicah in pomočnicah najpogosteje povzročajo stres, kakšni so pri njih simptomi stresa in pa načini sproščanja. V nadaljevanju predstavljamo rezultate, ki smo jih pridobili z raziskavo. V sklepu nato zastavljene hipoteze ovrednotimo. Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti, kako stres doživljajo in zaznavajo vzgojiteljice in pomočnice, zaposlene v nekaterih vrtcih na območju Celja. Raziskati smo želeli, kako vzgojiteljice/pomočnice opisujejo svoje delovno mesto, katere situacije pri vzgojiteljicah/pomočnicah najpogosteje povzročajo stres, kakšni so simptomi stresa in načini sproščanja. Pri tem nas je zanimal obstoj razlik glede na starost anketirancev, delovnega mesta anketirancev in starost otrok v skupini. V diplomski nalogi smo uporabili kavzalno-neeksperimentalno metodo empiričnega pedagoškega raziskovanja. Raziskovalni vzorec so predstavljale naključno izbrane vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljic, zaposlene v nekaterih vrtcih na območju Celja, v šolskem letu 2014/2015. Stres avtorji opredeljujejo kot reakcijo organizma na dražljaje iz okolja. Prisoten je v različnih situacijah, na delovnem mestu in v zasebnem življenju. Z njim se srečujemo vsi, ne glede na starost in spol. Pomebno je, da sami pravočasno spoznamo vzroke stresa in jih začnemo reševati. Določena mera stresa mora biti prisotna, to je t.i. pozitivni stres, ki pozitivno vpliva na učinkovitost dela, nam prinaša zadovoljstvo in dobro počutje. Prekomerni stres, ali t.i. negativni stres, pa ima na nas negativni vpliv, slabo vpliva na našo učinkovitost dela in na naše zdravje. Glavne ugotovitve raziskave so pokazale, da se s stresom srečujejo prav vsi, ne glede na starost, na delovno mesto ali na starost otrok v skupini. Pomebno je pravočasno zavedanje in reševanje stresnih situacij in s tem preprečitev različnih bolezni, ki jih prinaša stres. Pri tem so nam v pomoč različne metode in tehnike sproščanja. Using literature, we presented stress in the theoretical part of this thesis. The thesis is comprised of three chapters. The first chapter introduces different definitions of stress, provided by various authors, the division of stress, its symptoms and stages. Then we listed the reasons or causes for stress, their explanation or description. At the end, we also focused on stress at workplace, particularly in the profession of a kindergarten educators and their assistants. We described the kindergarten educator as a professional character and explored possible stressful events at their work. What follows is a chapter on the strategies for managing stress, which is of great importance. The empirical part is based on a survey of the detection of stress in kindergarten educators and their assistants employed in some kindergartens in the region of Celje. We checked what situations most frequently cause stress in the targeted occupation, what are their symptoms of stress and means of release. Furthermore, the results obtained from the survey are presented, and, in conclusion, the set hypotheses are then evaluated. The purpose of the thesis was to determine how stress is experienced and perceived by the kindergarten educators and their assistants employed in various kindergartens in the Celje area. We wanted to do a research on how these kindergarten educators / assistants describe their workplace, what situations most frequently cause stress in them, what are the symptoms of stress and their methods of release. In doing so, we were interested in the existence of the differences based on the age of the surveyees, their workplace and the age of the children in their kindergarten groups. In the thesis, we employed a causal-nonexperimental method of empirical pedagogical research. The research sample consisted of randomly selected kindergarten educators and their assistants employed in various kindergartens in the Celje region in the 2014-2015 school year. Authors define stress as a reaction of an organism to stimuli from the environment. It is present in different situations, at workplace and in private life. It affects everyone, irrespective of their age and gender. It is important that we recognize the reasons for stress in time and begin to solve them. A certain degree of stress must be present, that is the so-called positive stress, which has a positive impact on the effectiveness of our work, it brings us pleasure and welfare. Excessive stress or negative stress has a negative impact on us, it affects our effectiveness at work and our health in a negative way. The main findings of the research have shown that everyone faces stress, regardless of their age, workplace or the age of the children in the kindergarten group. Timely awareness and solving of the stressful situations is of great importance, and thereby also the prevention of various diseases brought about by stress. Various methods and techniques for stress release can be very helpful here.