Namen diplomske naloge je predstaviti izobraževanje zaposlenih in organizacijske oblike izobraževanj v organizaciji Policiji. V diplomski nalogi bo nekaj besed namenjenih sami organizaciji, schengenski evalvaciji, Zakonu o tujcih R Slovenije in R Avstrije. V raziskavi bom predstavila primerjavo Zako...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Skubic, Sandra
Other Authors: Ferjan, Marko
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2015
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=48463
Summary:Namen diplomske naloge je predstaviti izobraževanje zaposlenih in organizacijske oblike izobraževanj v organizaciji Policiji. V diplomski nalogi bo nekaj besed namenjenih sami organizaciji, schengenski evalvaciji, Zakonu o tujcih R Slovenije in R Avstrije. V raziskavi bom predstavila primerjavo Zakona o tujcih RS in RA, največji poudarek pa bom namenila izobraževanju v policiji. Cilj raziskave je celovito proučiti organizacijsko obliko izobraževanja in izobraževanje v organizaciji o Zakonu o tujcih. Za metodo raziskave bom uporabila raziskovalna vprašanja. Odgovorila bom na vprašanja o urejenosti izobraževanja v Policiji, organizacijskih oblikah, o vodjih izobraževanj, ciljnih skupinah, trajanju izobraževanja in o Zakonu o tujcih ter kaj mora policist o tem zakonu vedeti. Pri zbiranju informacij si bom pomagala z zbiranjem podatkov iz dokumentacije in interneta. V raziskavi sem ugotovila, da je v organizaciji Policiji izobraževanje zaposlenih zaradi varčevanja in krize slabše organizirano. Izobraževanja potekajo v Policijski akademiji v Tacnu kadar stopi v veljavo nov zakon ali so k zakonu dodane spremembe in dopolnitve. Izobraževanja so organizirana s strani inšpektorjev Sektorja za mejo in tujce, udeleženci teh izobraževanj pa so vabljeni pisno. Povabljeni udeleženci izobraževanj so vodje enot, pomočniki vodje enote in policisti multiplikatorji. Za literaturo, katero bi naj uredili organizatorji izobraževanja, morajo udeleženci poskrbeti sami, zato da so stroški same izvedbe izobraževanja nižji. V Policijskih enotah oziroma Policijskih postajah so nato organizirana izobraževanja za policiste, katere vodijo tisti, ki so bili prisotni na izobraževanju v Policijski akademiji v Tacnu. Na teh izobraževanjih policisti pridobijo dodatna znanja o zakonu, o katerem teče izobraževanje, kar potrebujejo pri vsakodnevnem delu. Žal smo policisti večinoma prepuščeni sami sebi in smo se primorani samoizobraževati, saj so stroški izobraževanj za vse zelo visoki. Izobraževanje na policijski postaji je odvisno predvsem od komandirja in od potreb po izobraževanju. The purpose of this thesis is to present employee training and organizational forms of education organized by the Police. In this thesis will be a few words devoted to the organization itself, the Schengen evaluation, the Aliens Act Slovenian and Austrian. In this study I will present a comparison of the Aliens Act RS and RA, greater emphasis will be accorded education in the police. The aim of the research is to fully examine the organizational form of education and training in the organization of the Aliens Act. For the research method I will use the research questions. I will respond to questions about the soundness of education in the Police, organizational forms, instructors, target groups, duration of education and the Aliens Act, what the police officer must know about this law in every day work. In order to collect information, I will help with the collection of information contained in the documents and the Internet. In my research I found that the organization of the police training employees is worse organized because of the savings and crisis. Courses take place at the Police Academy in Tacen, when the new law comes into force or the law changes and amendments are added. Courses are organized by inspectors that work in Sector for Border and Aliens, the participants of the training are invited in writing. The invited participants of training are Heads of Units, Assistant Head of Unit and officers multipliers. For literature, which should edit education organizers, participants must provide on their own, so that the costs imposed by the implementation of education is lower. The police units and police stations are then organized training for police officers, which led those who were present at the training at the Police Academy in Tacen, on these trainings officers gain additional knowledge about the Act, they get the knowledge that they need in their daily work. Unfortunately, we are mostly left to ourselves and we are forced to selflearning because the cost of education for all is very high. Education at the police station depends primarily on the commander and the need for education.