Stres lahko na nas vpliva pozitivno in negaStres ima na nas pozitivne in negativne učinke. Ko pa je stres prisoten dlje časa, lahko preide v kroničnega. To zelo negativno vpliva na nas in naše zdravje. Ob tem lahko opazimo psihične, fizične in vedenjske simptome. Če dlje časa zanemarjamo te simptome...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Vukan, Sonja
Other Authors: Šarotar Žižek, Simona
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: [S. Vukan] 2015
Online Access:
Summary:Stres lahko na nas vpliva pozitivno in negaStres ima na nas pozitivne in negativne učinke. Ko pa je stres prisoten dlje časa, lahko preide v kroničnega. To zelo negativno vpliva na nas in naše zdravje. Ob tem lahko opazimo psihične, fizične in vedenjske simptome. Če dlje časa zanemarjamo te simptome. lahko zbolimo za različnimi boleznimi. Poleg tega, da trpita telo in naše duševno stanje, trpi tudi organizacija in posledično celotna družba. Do stresnih situacij prihaja vse bolj zaradi hitrega tempa življenja in zahtevnosti dela, ki ga moramo opraviti v čim krajšem času. Zato je pomembno, da posamezniki vedo, kako se soočiti s stresom in da so pri tem tudi uspešni. Stres se nam zaradi več razlogov zdi pomemben dejavnik učinkovitosti in uspešnosti zaposlenih na delovnem mestu. V diplomskem projektu smo zato analizirali stres na delovnem mestu pri zaposlenih v organizaciji X. Obravnavali smo, kaj sploh je stres, kakšne vrste stresa obstajajo ter katere metode in tehnike se najbolj obnesejo pri premagovanju stresa na individualni in organizacijski ravni. V empiričnem delu diplomskega projekta smo ugotavljali, kako pogosto so zaposleni podvrženi stresu in njegove najbolj pogoste dejavnike. Zanimale so nas tudi najpogostejše individualne metode in tehnike, ki jih uporabljajo pri premagovanju stresa sami in organizacija. Vzorec udeležencev v spletnem anketnem vprašalniku je zajemal 25 zaposlenih v organizaciji X. Stress can have a positive and a negative impact on us. When we are exposed to stress for a longer period of time it can lead to a chronic condition. This has a very negative impact on us and our health. Furthermore, we can notice psychological, physical and behavioural symptoms. If we ignore these symptoms for an extended period of time, we may become sick with different illnesses. In addition to the suffering of our body and our state of mind, the organisation suffers also and subsequently the entire society as well. More and more stressful situations occur due to the fast pace of life and the complexity of work which we must carry out as soon as possible. Therefore it is important that individuals know, how to cope with stress and to be successful at it as well. Due to several reasons, we find stress to be a significant factor of efficiency and successfulness of employees at their workplace. Thus, in this diploma project, we analysed stress at the workplace among employees in organisation X. We discussed, what exactly stress is, what types of stress there are, and which methods and techniques work best to overcome stress at an individual and organisational level. Within the empirical part of the diploma project, we determined how frequently employees are exposed to stress and its most frequent factors. We were also interested in the most frequent individual methods and techniques they use to overcome stress themselves and which are used by the organisation X. The sample of participants in the online survey questionnaire included 29 employees of the organisation X.